World Travel Market London provides a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. For many years, WTM London has organised World Responsible Tourism Day, with the support of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. This is the world’s largest industry event focused on efforts to make the industry more responsible and sustainable. Each year leading figures from the industry, along with representatives of civil society and key organisations, gather to discuss the key issues facing the sustainable development of tourism
This book chapter advances SDGs 12 and 14 by focusing on the importance of fisheries and its role in human development, considering historical aspects, the main uses of targeted taxa, and their capture methods, which include the use of animals.
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 7, October 2017
The paper presents the most recent advances in applications of alternative medium to replace polar aprotic solvents such as dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethylacetamide (DMAc) or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 7, October 2017
Enzymes are used in biocatalytic processes for the efficient and sustainable production of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, fine chemicals, and other products.
This book chapter addresses goals 3, 12, and 15 by exploring how combining the knowledge derived from traditional medicinal practices with modern science creates endless possibilities for drug discovery and the use of plants in the treatment of a wide array of conditions.
A climate mitigation comprehensive solution is presented through the first high yield, low energy synthesis of macroscopic length carbon nanotube (“CNT”) wool from CO2 by molten carbonate electrolysis
Elsevier, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volume 13, September 2017
Nanoscience is an inspiring and influential discipline of science which have accessible numerous novel and cost-effective yields and applications.
This book chapter advances SDGs 12 and 15 by explaining how humans have a detrimental impact on natural habitat due to various activities including deforestation, urbanization, roads, the energy sector (renewable and coal), mining, and climate change. The most important form of habitat destruction is deforestation either to develop land for agriculture (70%) or to harvest lumber intensively.
‘Biosphere reserve’ is a United Nations (UN) designation stipulating that a region should attempt to follow the principles of sustainable development (SD).
This chapter advances SDG 6, 11, and 12 by discussing the state-of-the-art of managing water supply and demand as a natural resource, and what indicators are being developed to identify water scarcity worldwide.
