Aquatic foods are increasingly being recognized as having an important role to play in an environmentally sustainable and nutritionally sufficient food system.
Coral reefs worldwide are facing impacts from climate change, overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution.
The Physical Oceanography of the Arctic Mediterranean Sea, Exploration, Observations, Interpretations, 2022, Pages 433-477
This book chapter advances SDG 14 by explaining the significant change in the exploration, study, and understanding of the oceanography of the Arctic Mediterranean. The first SCISEX cruise with USS Pargo 1993 indicated that the salinity and temperature in the upper layer of the Eurasian Basin were higher than previously reported, while the upper layer salih upward-looking sonars, and when the newly observed thicknesses were compared with those measured 30 years earlier, they indicated that the mean ice thickness had been reduced by about 40%. Suddenly change rather than constancy became the focus, and observations spread over time, which previously had been used to describe the mean circulation and the mean state, now acquired a time dimension.
This chapter aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 14: Life under Water by discussing the ethical considerations and welfare needs of zebrafish in laboratory settings.
Since the launch of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the SDGs have been widely adopted by governments and corporations in an effort to improve their sustainabil
This time series study on water quality in chalk rivers demonstrates superstatistical behaviours of environmental and anthropogenic parameters.
Contamination of Water, Health Risk Assessment and Treatment Strategies, 2021, Pages 265-284
This chapter examines how PPCPs are often termed as micropollutants or trace organics, as these compounds are present in the µg/L range in the environment. PPCPs may pose a serious threat to aquatic life, having acute and chronic toxicity responses. As a result, there is a need for evolving technologies to detect, identify, and remediate compounds from these micropollutants.
This study supports SDGs 13,14 and 15 by unveiling the palaeoenvironment in response to global climate changes.
This content aligns with Goal 14: Life under Water by emphasizing the significance of freshwater habitats as repositories of aquatic biodiversity.
Ocean Acidification and Marine Wildlife, 2021, pp 247-263
This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 13: Climate Action by discussing the impacts of ocean acidification on marine biological processes and highlighting future research directions to understand and preserve marine biodiversity.