Recent perspective has highlighted the microbial importance of interplay between catabolic breakdown and anabolic synthesis in influencing soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and persistence.
Land-use intensification at the field and landscape scale is a strong driver for declining biodiversity and ecosystem service provision.
Is ecology, as a science, doing enough to address big environmental problems? Here, a review of the top 40 ecology journals suggests not.

Is ecology, as a science, doing enough to address big environmental problems? Here, a review of the top 40 ecology journals suggests not.

Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) has led to adverse environmental impacts.
Soil and water salinity and associated problems are a major challenge for global food production.
Elucidating relationships between the soil food web, soil processes, and agroecosystem function is a critical step toward a more sustainable agriculture.

Mercury contamination in soil, water and air is associated with potential toxicity to humans and ecosystems.
Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens, Volume 1: Fundamental and Basic Virology Aspects of Human, Animal and Plant Pathogens, 2020, Pages 127-149
This book chapter addresses goals 3, 13 and 15 by discussing the coronavirus family (Coronaviridae) as a species specificity and interspecies transmission.
More meaningful and useful soil health tests are needed to enable better on-farm soil management.