Areas prone to drought and land degradation need effective water management plans to secure food production. Methods such as hydrological modelling and digital soil mapping can aid in evaluating water availability (water content and water stress). A study by Horta et al., 2023 examined the use of a global and local soil hydraulic properties (SHP) dataset to simulate soil-water balance at a regional scale in Portugal and found that the SHP dataset is a key factor to consider. The results showed that the choice between global and local SHP datasets significantly impacts the accuracy of soil-water balance simulations, influencing irrigation schedules and potentially jeopardizing crop production and soil quality, particularly in Mediterranean conditions.
This study emphasizes the importance of adopting nexus approaches in Arctic governance to address the complex interactions between climate change, biodiversity loss, land use pressures, and local livelihoods. While Arctic policies often incorporate nexus elements, there is a need to better recognize the agency and impact of local communities and traditional livelihoods in decision-making processes. This aligns with the goals of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples by highlighting the significance of involving indigenous communities in environmental governance and promoting cross-sectoral policies that consider their perspectives and contributions.
The paper addresses the urgency of communicating the worsening anthropogenic-driven species extinction crisis to diverse audiences and proposes a threatened species recovery report card as a tool to showcase conservation progress, emphasizing the need for immediate action to prevent further biodiversity loss.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 39, February 2024

How to reduce human-wildlife conflixt through education
This study underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting diverse worldviews, knowledge systems, and values in addressing global challenges like biodiversity loss and climate change. By providing a framework that emphasizes understanding onto-epistemological assumptions and power dynamics, the research offers principles to guide more inclusive and respectful engagement with diverse perspectives, aligning with the goals of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples to promote cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge in conservation efforts.
The cascading effects of biodiversity decline on human well-being present a pressing challenge for sustainable development.
Shows behavioural and physiological responses to habitat change
Images relating to how RELX supports the SDGs including image of 3D anatomy model
As we pass the halfway point for the SDGs, many of the goals are worryingly off track and progress on 85% of the target indicators has stalled or even reversed. Through our information, products and people, RELX remains committed to advancing the Goals. Here are some of the ways that we continue to support their achievement.
Image of front cover of Elsevier report The Power of Data in Advancing the SDGs
Access to information is critical in achieving the SDGs - empowering the public to make decisions, informing policy making and enabling effective implementation and monitoring. RELX businesses regularly produce and publish free to download reports and analytics that draw upon vast amounts of information and data in support of the SDGs. Explore some of the reports and tools developed to date.

Current Research in Microbial Sciences, Volume 6, January 2024

Plants have a microbiome, a diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, living inside and on their tissues. This review article contains deeper insight in endomicrobiome related research work in last years, recruitment, niche development, nutrient dynamics, stress removal mechanisms, bioactive services in plant health development, community architecture and communication, and immunity interplay in producing stress resilient future crop.
