The treatment of choice for esophageal achalasia is Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy (LHM) with partial fundoplication However, the choice of the partial fundoplication should be left to surgeon experience and tailored on each patient.
Background: Metabolic syndrome is characterised by a clustering of metabolic risk factors including abdominal obesity, raised triglycerides, lowered HDL cholesterol, hypertension and impaired glucose
Elsevier, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 110, December 2019
The International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) is comprised of members from some 40 countries.
Background: The population effects of armed conflict on non-combatant vulnerable populations are incompletely understood.

Psychological abuse within intimate relationships is linked to negative health outcomes among women and is frequently identified as more wounding than physical or sexual violence.


Current Opinion in Food Science, Volume 30, December 2019

Enteric viruses are an important food safety concern and have been associated with many foodborne disease outbreaks.

This article ties to SDG 3. The study analyses, first, how various traumatic war events, such as losses, horrors and life-threat, are associated with maternal mental health and dyadic mother-infant interaction quality, indicated by maternal emotional availability (EA). Second, it tests a hypothesis that maternal insecure attachment risks and secure attachment protects good mental health and optimal EA from negative impacts of traumatic war events.
An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 3, analysing the burden of child and maternal malnutrition across all states in India, highlighting the progress so far and efforts needed to achieve the national 2022 and global 2030 targets.

Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry, Volume 1, December 2019

This paper summarizes the literature findings regarding the most widely and consistently accepted diagnostic biomarkers of the f Alzheimer's disease (AD) continuum according to ATN classification. It examined their diagnostic accuracy for AD in comparison with healthy elderly controls and those with other types of dementias and also discussed their limitations and the reasons behind their limited use in routine clinical settings. Moreover, new research avenues in developing biomarkers were also presented.
This chapter advances SDGs 3, 5 and 16 by offering a call to action to everybody to understand domestic abuse, impacts and factors involved, and psychological needs.
