
Introductory Immunology (Second Edition), Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications, 2019, Pages 123-131

Examines the coordinated effort of cells and blood components to detect and defend against cancers. Supports SDG 3.4.1 By 2030, reduce by one third mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease

Global Mental Health and Psychotherapy

Adapting Psychotherapy for Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Global Mental Health in Practice, 2019, Pages 341-362

This chapter supports SDGs 3 and 16 by exploring the field of refugee mental health and focusing on interventions for vulnerable subpopulations such as women, child soldiers, and torture survivors.

Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity (Second Edition), Current Status, Consequences and Prevention, 2019, Pages 105-116

Argues that prevention of obesity in childhood as the most effective way of stemming the “obesity epidemic” over the long term. Supports SDG: 2.2.2 Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or

Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity (Second Edition), Current Status, Consequences and Prevention, 2019, Pages 351-361

Describes psychological techniques that may offer an effective approach to preventing severe obesity from developing during puberty. Supports SGD goal: 2.2.2 Prevalence of malnutrition
This content aligns with Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by examining the intersection of racial/ethnic disparities and obesity and overweight prevalence among US children.
This chapter content advances SDG 3 and 5 by explaining how diethylstilbestrol has been used in the past by obstetricians, gynecologists, and family physicians to treat pregnant women with the intent to prevent miscarriage, and the antimiscarriage use of this drug had side effects that became tragically clear soon after the commercialization showing the failure of adequate preclinical testing.

Biomarkers in Toxicology, Second Edition, 2019, Pages 885-894

This chapter advances the UN SDG goal 3 and 17 by discussing the etiology, disease mechanisms, and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.

Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Volume , 1 January 2019

This chapter aligns with Goal 6, 3 and 11 by describing the leading methods for treating and maintaining the microbiological quality of drinking water at the household level. It reviews the challenges of optimizing uptake of effective household water treatment among vulnerable populations in low-income countries and potential risks associated with climate change.
This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 17 by focusing primarily on the recent developments in Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis and their merits and demerits, including development of blood and cerebrospinal fluid–based biomarkers, imaging tools such as MRI, fMRI, and PET, proteomics, etc.


Innovation in Health Informatics: A Smart Healthcare Primer, Next Gen Tech Driven Personalized Med&Smart Healthcare, 2020, Pages 3-38

The adoption of advanced Healthcare Information Systems and Medical Informatics requires an integrated approach sensitive to various social, economic, political, and cultural factors. The challenges that the adoption and use sophisticated information and communication technologies (ICTs) generate need to be considered too. Smart Data and Data Analytics along with cognitive computing are the promising technologies with great value added for the domain of healthcare. The goal of SDG 3.d is to strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks (by e.g. Healthcare Information Systems).
