Schematic representations of the properties and functions of metal chelating agents.
Hypotheses for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are described in this paper. The review is intended to be a basic and encyclopedic short insight into metals in AD and discusses the advances in chelation strategies and developments adopted in the treatment of the disease.

The Lancet Microbe, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2021, Page e415,

This Editorial highlights the relationship between climate change, fires, floods and infectious diseases.
Research into mental health of populations undergoing migration
The Sustainable Development Goals call for countries to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment (Target 3.5) and for health services to be made universally available (Target 3.8). This paper is part of a broad, global effort to build the capacity of health systems in high-need settings to expand access to mental health services by integrating those services into primary care. In South Africa, nurses are at the heart of this integration effort, and our goal was to learn how best to support nurses to integrate mental health services into their work.
Background: Children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who require nutritional rehabilitation unit (NRU) treatment often have poor developmental and nutritional outcomes following discharge.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 4, 2021,100043

An assessment of personal heat exposure measures and strategies to reduce heat risk.
Educating the leaders of tomorrow is an essential part of a sustainable future.
The authors conclude that there are multiple pathways to consumption of 5-a-day that would benefit both people’s health and the environment, providing a range of policy options from which governments can select according to their priorities. Their results show that the pathways prioritizing vegetables over fruit and favoring an increased consumption of UK-produced varieties would achieve a better balance of benefits across health and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) and water use
In the face of grand challenges for society to eliminate hunger and improve planetary and human health, thoughtful investments in the agricultural sector can make a difference, but there is a critical need to look beyond production of calories and toward more healthy diets and food systems. Modeling the impacts of alternative future pathways for Disability-Sdjusted Life Years (DALYs) can help inform the discussion.
