This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review assess the diagnostic accuracy of screening tools for PTSD in refugee and asylum seeker populations.
This article ties to SDG 3. This qualitative study explores the drivers of, and barriers to, commitment in short-term foster care within the broader aim of examining whether short-term care is meeting the needs of maltreated young children.

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 6, December 2022

This Personal View supports SDGs 3 and 15 by introducing geodiversity as a driver of planetary health and highlighting its importance in ecosystem functionality and biodiversity.
This Article supports SDG 3 by estimating the avoidable health and economic burden of physical inactivity, and highlighting how further investments in and implementation of known and effective policy interventions will support countries to reach the SDG 3 goal of reduction of NCD mortality by 2030.
This Review supports SDG 3 by investigating how licensing could successfully improve the affordability of and timely access to biotherapeutics in low-income and middle-income countries, by identifying key elements needed to support access to affordable biosimilars in these countries.

Environmental Advances, Volume 10, December 2022

This article supports SDG's 2, 3 and 12 by considering production steps (cell extraction, cell line establishment, cell culture and scaffolding) and challenges (technology limitations, consumer acceptance & law and legislation) for the development of lLab-based meat, which is more sustainable and safer to consume than conventional meat.
This study examined the cross-sectional and retrospective longitudinal associations between erythrocyte omege 3 (ω-3) index and cognition, brain imaging, and biomarkers among older adults. Longitudinally, low ω-3 index was associated with greater Aβ accumulation and WMS cognitive decline but unexpectedly with lower total Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) cognitive decline. Although no associations were cross-sectionally found in the whole population, low ω-3 index was associated with lower WMS cognition and higher tau accumulation among ApoE ε4 carriers.
Chen and Holtzman review the emerging roles of both innate and adaptive immunity, their alterations, their interplay, and their contributions to the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. They proposed that targeting dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses in both brain parenchyma and border structures could lead to important therapeutics for preventing and treating the disease.
This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by assessing the contribution of smoking to the social inequalities in dementia. The results suggest that smoking in midlife does mediate some of this inequality.
How to determinemicroplatsctis in samples in a green way? Often sample preparation steps involve environmentally harmful chemicals. This artcile decsibes a robust, efficient and green sample preparation with a high separation quality.
