This study supports SDG 3 and 10 by showing increased mortality due to COVID-19 in Brazil’s mixed ethnicity and Black populations and regions with lower levels of socioeconomic development, highlighting the need to better protect these vulnerable groups from the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study supports SDGs 3 and 6 by suggesting that current methods of cholera control are insufficient at achieving zero transmission of Vibrio cholerae in Haiti, and that large-scale cholera vaccination campaigns are needed alongside improvements in water and sanitation for long-term cholera elimination.

Genetics, Neurology, Behavior, and Diet in Dementia, The Neuroscience of Dementia, Volume 2, 2020, Pages 633-645

This chapter addresses goal 3 by examining the stigma that exists around dementia and how this has contributed to patient mistreatment, caregiver burnout, and inadequate research funding.
Efforts to provide a normed standard for what constitutes intimate partner violence, child abuse, and neglect have clashed with attempts to recognize the impact of cultural variability on the experiences of family maltreatment. Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter takes on this challenging intersection by answering vital questions about the operationalization of intimate partner violence and child maltreatment, including how to integrate the need for universal standards with considerations of cultural context.
Each year the RELX Environmental Challenge is awarded to projects that best demonstrate how they can provide sustainable access to safe water or sanitation. In the past decade, the company has awarded $750,000 to projects and solutions that improve the world’s water quality and sanitation. This article, using innovative parallax storytelling technology, looks at the tangible impact of the RELX Environmental Challenge.
An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 3, analysing the effectiveness of multiple micronutrient powders in infants and showing net health benefits of this intervention in most countries, although cost-effectiveness varied in different settings.

Diagnosis and Management in Dementia, Volume 1, August 2020, Pages 3-15

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 17 by reviewing how to diagnosis mixed dementias.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing the literature on culture and family-based psychological interventions for schizophrenia, bipolar, and related (SBR) psychotic spectrum disorder.

Diagnosis and Management in Dementia, Volume 1, August 2020, Pages 127-146

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 17 by focusing on providing a brief overview of genes associated with sporadic (late-onset) Alzheimer's disease (AD). Despite decades of research, no current and reliable test is currently available for the diagnosis of AD. Genetic biomarkers are promising for both diagnostic tools and tailored profiling therapy.
