

The Lancet Digital Health, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2022, Pages e594-e603.

An Article on adolescent depression, in the context of SDG 3, focusing specifically on internet-based psychodynamic therapy.

Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 126, August 2022

The anticipated effects of climate change on microbial food safety are both direct (e.g., on microbial prevalence) and indirect (e.g., increased risk of floods on water microbial contamination). This paper highlights the necessity to build a quantitative framework to evaluate the effects of climate change on microbial food safety.

J. Indu, Akhilesh S. Nair, Ankita Pradhan, Rohit Mangla, Sooraj Krishnan, Kaushlendra Verma, Vinayak Huggannavar; Radar Remote Sensing, 2022, Pages 123-148

This chapter contributes to SDG 6 by using radar remote sensing to measure terrestrial water budget elements such as precipitation, soil moisture, and surface water levels.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2022, Pages 27-38

This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by focusing on an emblematic delayed-onset pathology often seen after traumatic brain injury—Alzheimer’s disease—and explain its relationship with chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics (Seventh Edition)
Hematologic, Renal, and Immunologic Disorders
2023, Pages 115-124

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by bringing recognition to renal tubular disorders.

The Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
2022, Pages 2-32

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by providing information about 22q11.2DS as a model for understanding rare and frequent congenital anomalies and medical conditions, which could provide the chance to better understand these distinct conditions while affording opportunities for translational strategies across the lifespan for both patients with 22q11.2DS and individuals with these associated features in the general population.

One Earth, Volume 5, 19 August 2022

This article presents five actionable strategies to engage and empower young people with climate and ocean science to support ocean sustainable development.

New Aspects of Meat Quality: From Genes to Ethics, Second Edition, 2022, pp 667-703

This chapter aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 15: Life on Land by discussing the role of transparency regarding livestock animal welfare in consumer attitudes toward livestock production practices.

Building and Environment,
Volume 223,

Selection of appropriate material type and colour-tone, together with the provision of shade can remove the hazard risk for contact skin burns from outdoor playgrounds. Results of this work will assist playground designers and managers to provide safer places for our children to play longer in increasingly warmer summers.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 10, August 2022

This narrative review supports SDG 3 and 8 by summarising the available evidence on work and health issues encountered by Indigenous workers in Canada, in response to some of the calls to action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
