This article explores how lawyers can work together to increase social mobility and diversity within the legal profession. Julian Sayarer talks to Chris White, founder of Aspiring Solicitors, Chris Benn, lawyer at Kemp Little, Barry Matthews, an in-house lawyer with ITV, and Toby Hornett, legal director at Canon – Europe about the role in house teams play in promoting diversity and access, contributing to SDG 10, reduced inequalities.
Detailed description of Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) with introductory remarks from the ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder
This webinar focuses on the role of business in promoting decent work in global supply chains, which are issues covered by Goals 8 and Goals 16
Slave Free Seas charitable trust New Zealand logo

LexisNexis New Zealand and the Slave Free Seas Charitable Trust have created a free legal resource to assist advocates for victims of human trafficking, comprising practical information on advocacy and policy change. This guidance is essential for target 8.7 and the eradication of forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as SDG 16.3 and access to justice.

Advancing human rights is at the heart of goal 16. This report identifies good practices that businesses can use to prevent and mitigate risks of being involved with adverse human rights impacts.

Current Biology, Volume 27, Issue 4, 2017, Pages R123-R125

Caring about humanitarian crises.

LexisNexis Australia has created a free legal resource to assist those working on pro bono cases and social justice issues. It provides practical information on charities, federal discrimination law matters, human trafficking cases and applying for humanitarian immigration into Australia for victims of human trafficking. This free guidance supports target 8.7 and the eradication of forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as SDG 16.3 and access to justice.

Elsevier, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 140, 1 January 2017
The last few years have seen a phenomenal upsurge in the number of corporate bankruptcies.
