National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS)

National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS) form a fundamental pillar in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were designed with a universal scope, yet their realization heavily relies on national and local action. This is where NSDS come into play, translating the global vision into local reality.

NSDS are strategic, comprehensive policy frameworks that countries develop and implement to promote sustainable development at the national level. They reflect the economic, social, and environmental realities of each country, taking into account their unique challenges, opportunities, and resources. Thus, NSDS allows each country to tailor the SDGs to its own context, ensuring they address the most pressing issues.

The process of creating and implementing NSDS also encourages stakeholder participation and promotes cooperation across different sectors. It fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among stakeholders, vital for the successful realization of the SDGs. For instance, NSDS might call for collaboration between the private sector, civil society, and government to tackle SDG 13, "Climate Action," by reducing carbon emissions or investing in renewable energy sources.

Moreover, NSDS often include mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress towards sustainable development. This aligns with SDG 17, "Partnership for the Goals," which emphasizes the importance of accountability and data-driven decision-making in achieving the SDGs. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms embedded within NSDS ensure continuous learning and adjustment, which is crucial in addressing the dynamic and complex nature of sustainable development.

Economic development projects are increasingly applying the mitigation hierarchy to achieve No Net Loss, or even a Net Gain, of biodiversity. Because people value biodiversity and ecosystem services, this can affect the well-being of local people; however, these types of social impacts from development receive limited consideration. We present ethical, practical, and regulatory reasons why development projects applying the mitigation hierarchy should consider related social impacts.
Municipal advisory committees are becoming increasingly influential in guiding decision-making processes that address climatic issues. According to the Adaptigation Institutionalization Framework (included in the recent IPCC report), the implementation of such participatory structures is vital for the effective, joint institutionalization of climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this claim. Against this background, this paper tests the Adaptigation Framework using the example of municipal advisory committees in Germany.

The number of countries with a national development plan has more than doubled, from about 62 in 2006 to 134 in 2018. More than 80 per cent of the global population now lives in a country with a national development plan of one form or another. This is a stunning recovery of a practice that had been discredited in the 1980s and 1990s as a relic of directed economies and state-led development. Several factors have fostered this re-emergence but from about 2015 the momentum for producing plans has accelerated, driven in part by a need to plan for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Elsevier, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 2, July 2019
Elsevier, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 2, July 2019
Elsevier, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 2, July 2019
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction encourages investment in innovation and technology development in disaster risk management. However, needs for science and technology inputs are unmet, and there is a lack of policy making that is based on science and evidence. This paper identified three key issues that could help overcome these barriers: networking, coproduction of knowledge, and a stronger role played by academia.
The SDG National Reporting Initiative was launched to facilitate greater information-sharing on SDG reporting between international, regional, and local communities, furthering SDGs 16 and 17. This report summarises the state of SDG reporting as well as challenges and successes identified during the implementation of the SDG National Reporting Initiative.
The Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, as the two biggest climate action initiatives, address the need to shift towards a fully sustainable energy system. The deployment of renewable energy, especially solar and wind power, decreases carbon dioxide emissions, but presents issues of resource intermittency. In this study, a cost-optimised 100% renewable energy based system is analysed and quantified for the Americas for the reference year 2030 using high spatially and temporally resolved weather data.
This viewpoint reviews key assessments from the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C and examines the implications for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). Disaster risks are expected to be higher at 1.5 °C and continue to increase at 2 °C. Current and future disaster risk management particularly those that deal with the impacts of coastal flooding, heat-related health impacts, sea level rise, and forest fires are to be strengthened, particularly the Arctic, Caribbean, SIDS and low-lying coastal areas are particularly at risk.
The UN has adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030; SFDRR) in March 2015 and the member countries agreed to shift from disaster management to disaster risk management. The SFDRR is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; September 2015). In 2016, the UNISDR together with partner organizations has prepared roadmap for mainstreaming Science and Technology in SFDRR. Out of four priority areas, this paper focuses on the appraisal of challenges in SFDRR priority 1 “understanding disaster risk” through the lens of science, technology and innovations.
