Book chapters


Bone Sarcomas and Bone Metastases - From Bench to Bedside (Third Edition), Bone Sarcomas and Bone Metastases - from Bench to Bedside, 2022, Pages 17-23

Examines the economic impact of bone metastasis for patients with cancer. Supports SDG 3.4.1 to 3.4 , reduce by one thirdmortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases.

The COVID-19 Response
The Vital Role of the Public Health Professional
2023, Pages 69-84

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by exploring the impact of COVID-19 on employment, childcare, food security, and mental health.

Modern Practical Healthcare Issues in Biomedical Instrumentation 2022, Pages 105-121

This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by focusing on the physically impaired who are unable to move about or carry out their day-to-day tasks independently in light of a new system with features that ensures a smooth and easy transition to a substantially improved quality of life.

Psychologist's Guide to Adolescents and Social Media
2022, Pages 35-40

This chapter introduces the psychological benefits of social media in managing one's emotional world, utilizing research to explore the benefits of expressive writing and being heard.

Natural Resources Conservation and Advances for Sustainability, 2022, Pages 493-501

This book chapter advances SDGs 9 and 12 by reviewing and discussing the current status, ecological and socio-economic importance of seaweed farming.

Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis (Third Edition): Statistical Methods and Applications, 2022, Pages 575-597

Building effective policy and practices to ensure sustainable supplies of nutritious foods requires understanding the contributing factors and developing appropriate practices in response.

Endocrine Disruption and Human Health (Second Edition), 2022, Pages 485-498

This chapter introduces the fields of green and sustainable chemistry and outlines how they can be applied to the stewardship of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The goal of green and sustainable chemistry is to create chemical technologies with strong technical performance that are also safe for human health and the environment.

Cognitive Data Models for Sustainable Environment, Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing, 2022, Pages 231-252

This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by examining the cosmetic related ecological hazards emphasizing on the overview of microplastic ingredients and plastic packaging of PCCPs which are instigating a mounting environmental concern.

Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology 2021

This module advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG 10 Reducing Inequalities by providing an overview of the issues in assessment of achievement and specific learning disability.

The Physical Oceanography of the Arctic Mediterranean Sea, Exploration, Observations, Interpretations, 2022, Pages 433-477

This book chapter advances SDG 14 by explaining the significant change in the exploration, study, and understanding of the oceanography of the Arctic Mediterranean. The first SCISEX cruise with USS Pargo 1993 indicated that the salinity and temperature in the upper layer of the Eurasian Basin were higher than previously reported, while the upper layer salih upward-looking sonars, and when the newly observed thicknesses were compared with those measured 30 years earlier, they indicated that the mean ice thickness had been reduced by about 40%. Suddenly change rather than constancy became the focus, and observations spread over time, which previously had been used to describe the mean circulation and the mean state, now acquired a time dimension.
