Book chapters


3D Printing in Podiatric Medicine, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by highlighting the types of human podiatry disabilities and correction methods using traditional, 3DP technology and its challenges.

The Neuroscience of Autism, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by examining the history and evolution of the definition and characterization of autism over the past several decades and the impact of it on how the disorder is perceived by autistic individuals, families, and professionals

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Mental Health in Pandemics: A Computational Approach, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by presenting the design, execution, and test results of the dyslexia health management system; and highlighting the high potential for worldwide deployment using blockchain technology.

iPSCs - State of the Science
Volume 16 in Advances in Stem Cell Biology
2022, Pages 197-224

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by focusing on the uses of iPSCs in inherited diseases and, particularly, in the case of Gaucher disease (GD).

Progress in Brain Research
Volume 268, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 191-215

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by providing information about pituitary adenomas and the complex collection of disorders they produce.

Agriculture's Ethical Horizon (Third Edition), 2022, Pages 1-15

This book chapter advances SDGs 2, 12, and 15 by explaining how those engaged in agriculture must begin to examine and expand agriculture’s ethical horizon—the full range or widest limit of our perception, interest, appreciation, knowledge, and experience. It is necessary to explore agriculture’s intellectual horizon, because our unexamined, ethical position, may limit what agriculture’s ethical horizon defines. This book will encourage those involved in all phases of the agricultural enterprise to initiate and continue discussion of agriculture’s ethical foundation.

Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Challenges and Sustainable Practices, Volume 1, 1 January 2022

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation and Goal 14: Life below water by prodiving an overview of environmental plastic abundance, sources and mitigation strategies.

Loneliness in Older Adults
Effects, Prevention, and Treatment
2022, Pages 119-142

This chapter reviews loneliness from various view points including: immigrants, women, dependents, LGTBI

Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies (Sixth Edition)
2022, Pages 91-95

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by providing diagnostic occlusion and investigative occlusion for better patient outcomes..

PET Clinics Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 13-29

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by showing how the issue of “inclusion” could be affected by the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine through the interaction between rare diseases (RDs) and AI technology.
