To advance Goal 6 and Goal 10, this webinar explores how businesses can responsibly manage the human rights impacts of their own water-intensive operations and/or supply chains

Although gender pay gap reporting legislation in the UK does not come into force until early 2017, employers may have to collect gender pay gap data from as early as April 2016. To help HR professionals get ready for their reporting obligations, XpertHR has compiled helpful FAQs and a timeline. Gender pay gap reporting advances SDG 5.C to adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality, as well as SDG 10.
This report provides an overview on how to do business with respect to children's right to be free from child labour, with the aim to improve global supply chain governance, due diligence and remediation processes to advance the progressive elimination of child labour. This report relates to Goal 8 and Goal 10.
This webinar explores how taxation is steadily rising on the corporate sustainability agenda and links to Goal 10 and Goal 17.
Linking to Goal 10, this infographic highlights the human rights dimension of each Sustainable Development Goal, by indicating the relevant international human rights instrument that applies.
Linking to Goals 8 and 10, this webinar explores the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act and its implications for UN Global Compact business participants who conduct business in the UK.
Linking to Goal 10, this webinar explains the importance of integrating human rights considerations into Mergers & Acquisitions processes and provides guidance on how companies can do so.
Linking to Goal 10 and Goal 16, this report outlines ways in which business can help uphold children’s rights and support and promote their well-being during humanitarian crises.
Linking Goal 10 and Goal 16, this report highlights the linkages between human rights and anti-corruption compliance and how companies can benefit from integrating these considerations in their compliance programs.
A responsible supply chain, and eliminating corruption in the supply chain, are important elements of goals 10 and 16. This report, updated in 2016, outlines common supply chain corruption scenarios and provides a framework and set of tools for addressing them.