
Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis
2023, Pages 3-14

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by discussing the importance of promoting desired lifestyles among adults with severe autism and intellectual disabilities, and how the operations of many adult service agencies fail to promote individually desired lifestyles.

Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities: Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis, 2023, Pages 217-243

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health by providing readers and application of behavior analysis to treat challenging behavior specifically in a person-centered manner.


The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Volume 7, May 2023

Cluver is a multi-award-winning researcher, earning her place as one of the UK Research and Innovation's 15 Women with Impact in Research in 2019. “I think if we get the science right we can improve people's lives, children's lives”, she says, convincingly.
This Article supports SDG 3 and 10 by showing that among Indigenous children in Brazil (of the Guarani birth cohort), severely compromised living conditions were noted, and inequalities in the frequency of social and environmental risk factors between the Indigenous children. The authors note that policies are needed to improve housing, water and sanitation, and wealth conditions among people in Indigenous communities.
This paper supports the improvement of maternity care by First Nations doulas.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 10 by assessing predictors for COVID-19 vaccine uptake among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon and highlighting the need to target hard to reach populations to improve access and uptake.
This Viewpoint supports SDGs 3 and 10 by examining, in view of the potential termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme in the USA, the implications for government funding of health care for immigrant populations such as undocumented migrants, and the importance of ensuring equitable access to health care for all population groups.

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 228, May 2023

Efforts to reduce maternal mortality have historically overemphasized clinical approaches while failing to listen to mothers and pregnant people, threatening patient autonomy, and contributing to persistent racial disparities and high levels of preventable maternal mortality.
The 2022 UN Climate Change Implementation Plan acknowledged the necessity of taking action to address climate change and safeguard water and food security within a human-rights-based approach.1 Low-income and middle-income countries are disproportionately affected by climate change and have less capacity to respond to climate-related impacts such as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, drought, population displacement, and disease.
Elsevier, Annals of Hepatology, Volume 28, 1 May 2023
Introduction and Objectives: We aimed to analyze the trends of total and sex-stratified mortality from hepatitis C virus (HCV) and to estimate the proportion of non-alcoholic liver disease deaths in M
