
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 7, September 2021

This opinion article is the result of intensive discussions between a group of more than fifty internationally renowned researchers who are scientifically engaged in thermofluids and energy process engineering. With this article we express our plea: Let us consider all options and explore new ideas that will move us towards a climate-neutral energy system!
This paper presents an initial qualitative exploration of United States physicians’ perspectives with regard to whether, why and how physicians might discuss the health effects of global environmental change, climate change in particular, with their patients and what would need to change in healthcare systems to facilitate this.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 4, 2021, 100055

This article discusses current initiatives in several areas to contribute to a climate resilient Bahamas, and prioritizing mental health and psychosocial support for survivors of climate disasters.
This investigation describes patient and family responses to climate change counselling administered by one pediatrician in a Wisconsin clinic.
The accessibility concept provides a suitable framework for the achievement of sustainable land use and transport systems.
Renewable energies have been discussed as the main efficient solution for solving many issues regarding climate change.
Urban areas are critical in accomplishing the clean energy transition and meeting the climate goals in the Paris Agreement.
Deforestation in Ituna/Itatá Indigenous Land increased 654% between 2018 and 2019. 94% of Ituna/Itatá has been claimed in the Brazilian Rural Environmental Registry. Belo Monte dam and Belo Sun mining project cause land speculation in Ituna/Itatá. Brazilian government policies threaten forest protection and indigenous peoples. Unilateral land tenure regulation would obstruct Indigenous Lands demarcation.
As large renewable capacities penetrate the European energy system and the climate faces significant alterations, the future operation of hydropower reservoirs might deviate from today.
Location-based social media data can offer useful insights on the spatial and temporal dynamics of public attitudes.
