This research studied different heating systems in China and Europe. The sensitivity analysis found that electrifying heating systems with heat pumps can reduce household heating costs and mitigate European cities’ dependence on natural gas, providing policy recommendations on future building cost-effective retrofits and heating electrification in Europe.
This research studied different heating systems in China and Europe. The sensitivity analysis found that electrifying heating systems with heat pumps can reduce household heating costs and mitigate European cities’ dependence on natural gas, providing policy recommendations on future building cost-effective retrofits and heating electrification in Europe.
How people commute to work can have a significant effect on their mental health. This article shows that private car is worse than public or active transport in this respect. Policy measures can encourage people to use modes of transport that promote better mental health.
Long-distance truckers suffer more than the average from depression. This paper identifies positive and negative factors associated with this and suggests remedial actions.
Excessive heat due to climate change and air pollution are both worse in cities, but many pollution control (SDG 3) and climate mitigation (SDG 13) policies synergistically address both. This One Earth Research Article shows the health benefits of such efforts, which are necessary for improving life in cities (SDG 11).
This One Earth Research Article shows how reducing emissions of pollutants that contribute to unhealthy ozone levels in cities* can have benefits for both pollution control (SDG 3) and climate mitigation (SDG 13) for improved life in cities (SDG 11). *Note that ozone is a pollutant in the lower atmosphere but necessary for UV protection in the stratosphere.
Background: Housing quality is a crucial determinant of mental health.
The study shows the investigation concludes that the Nanowarming of cryopreserved ovarian tissue has the potential to protect the tissue from cryoinjury in sheep.
This article advances SDG # 15 and SDG # 11 by examining the large number of animals killed on road and establish how best to assess the problem so as to improve mitigation.
Manzoor Qadir, Christopher A. Scott, Trade-offs of wastewater irrigation, Editor(s): Michael J. Goss, Margaret Oliver, Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2023, Pages 277-287, ISBN 9780323951333,
This chapter aligns with Goal 11 and 6 by analysing the use of wastewater for irrigation, balancing positive outcomes and trade-offs. There is a large variation between developed and developing countries as well as among countries within different economic groups regarding safe management of wastewater.