
Patricia Ruiz-Ruiz, Adrián Estrada, Marcia Morales, Chapter 8 - Carbon dioxide capture and utilization using microalgae, Editor(s): Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Mariana Manzoni Maroneze, Maria Isabel Queiroz, Leila Queiroz Zepka, Handbook of Microalgae-Based Processes and Products, Academic Press, 2020, Pages 185-206, ISBN 9780128185360, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818536-0.00008-7.

This book chapter advances SDGs 7 and 13 by explaining how to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using microalgae.
Elsevier, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 126, July 2020
The new European Commission plans to raise the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target from 40% towards 55% by 2030 and make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
Humans, through agricultural fertilizer application, inject more reactive nitrogen (Nr) to terrestrial ecosystems than do natural sources.
Elsevier, Global Environmental Change, Volume 63, July 2020
Recent research and policies recognize the importance of environmental defenders for global sustainability and emphasize their need for protection against violence and repression.
The consumption of plant-based milk substitutes has spread rapidly around the world due to its numerous positive health effects on the human body.
This synthesis paper presents the objectives, approach and cross-cutting results of the Latin American Deep Decarbonization Pathways project (DDP-LAC).
The COVID-19 pandemic has had growing environmental consequences related to plastic use and follow-up waste, but more urgent health issues have far overshadowed the potential impacts.

Pathways towards a defossilated sustainable power system for West Africa within the time horizon of 2015–2050 is researched, by applying linear optimisation modelling to determine the cost optimal

Typical thermographic images of adult Malayan sun bears taken shortly after rest and in a postabsorptive state at (A) TA = 23 °C, (B) TA = 28 °C, and (C) TA = 29 °C.
Thermoregulation in Malayan sun bears is not fully understood.

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
