This report showcases business leadership on climate action aligned with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Advancing SDGs 12, 13 and 17, this report features solutions and strategies developed by companies that have taken the 1.5°C pledge and examines how business leaders are integrating this process into corporate strategies and generating employee buy-in.
Elsevier, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Volume 143, September 2019
With the advantages of reducing CO2 emissions and improving the sustainability of supply chain, returnable containers have been widely used in logistics processes.
Municipal advisory committees are becoming increasingly influential in guiding decision-making processes that address climatic issues.
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in natural environments requires careful management choices.
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in natural environments requires careful management choices.
Elsevier, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 112, September 2019
This review gives a worldwide overview on Power-to-Gas projects producing hydrogen or renewable substitute natural gas focusing projects in central Europe.

Air pollution and climate change are key global challenges for cities and both have large impacts on human health and economic development.


One Earth, Volume 1, 20 September 2019

This article supports SDG 13 and 9 by investigating financial decision being made utilizing climate-risk assessments

Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), 2011, Pages 327-334

This chapter analyses the complex influence of climate change on vector borne diseases. It is perhaps expected that climate change will be invoked as a major driving force. The actual effect, however, is highly site specific suggesting that other factors play an equally important role.
Background: Humanity's current use of resources is not in line with the goal of sustainable development. Climate change impact scenarios appear worryingly pessimistic.
