
Foundations for Sustainability, A Coherent Framework of Life-Environment Relations, 2019, Pages 27-47

Contributing to SDGs 13, 14 and 15, the authors describe a set of principles, and related goals, mission, and ultimate purpose, for a new science that serves life and humanity.

Foundations for Sustainability, A Coherent Framework of Life-Environment Relations, 2019, Pages 205-230

Contributing to SDGs 13, 14 and 15, this chapter explores technology and applications with break-through capacity to contribute solutions to the systemic human-environment problem.
This book chapter addresses goals 6, 8 and 13 by documenting experiences that many dryland agricultural regions can expect to encounter in coming decades as changing climate, demographic characteristics, and socioeconomic factors take hold.

Biodiversity of Pantepui: The Pristine “Lost World” of the Neotropical Guiana Highlands, 2019, Pages 403-417

This book chapter addresses goals 13 and 15 by summarising studies carried out to date aimed at estimating the potential impact of the projected global warming by the end of this century on the Pantepui biota, particularly on vascular plants.
Discuss climate change mitigation. This paper aims at producing actionable knowledge in the Indian Himalayan Region for climate modelers and policy planners to better serve the nation's needs.
This solution-focused report — the fourth in its series — offers 10 new markets which could help get the Global Goals back on track, such as blockchain-based land rights for Goal 10 and energy-efficient cooling for Goal 13. The report aims to demonstrate how global sustainability challenges and risks can be seen as opportunities.
Elsevier, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 33, December 2018
Rapid ocean warming as a result of climate change poses a key risk for coral reefs.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture using CaO-based adsorbents has recently attracted intense attention from both academic and industrial sectors in the last decade due to the high theoretical capacity of CO
Instresting assessment on the environmental impact that the production of plastic bags can have worldwide
The 2018 Lancet Countdown report directly contributes to SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). The report indicates that climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Stressing the need for governments to focus on decarbonising economies, in order to reduce rates of cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and reduce risk factors linked to infectious disease and mental illness.
