
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Volume 272, October 2022

This article advances SDG # 14 by looking at the impact that environmental changes and anthropogenic threats are having on marine mammals through the assessment of different stress biomarkers in certain body tissues of chronically affected and bycaught striped dolphins.
This article reports the significant climate mitigation and adaptation efforts via marine conservation activities.
How serious is the pollution in the Mediterranean area by mircoplastics? This review paper analyzes the abundance, the marine contamination, and accumulation of mircoplastics in the Mediterranean basin. Also the impacts on the economic and environmental sector, and effects by country on general health and marine life.
This article introduces the concept of blue economy and how such a framework can help to improve sustainable development of oceans.
This articles identifies the current issues in the governance of global marine protected areas, and propose viable solutions to address those issues to enable effective marine governance.
This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure by acknowledging increased rates of Arctic transit resulting from declines in sea ice, recognizing the associated risk of increasingly frequent oil spills, and proposing methods to efficiently and effectively respond to such events.

Science Bulletin, Volume 67, 15 September 2022

Big Earth Data infrastructure must further condense and abstract common workloads and application models with consideration for the features of Big Earth Data and the typical needs of SDG-related applications.Systems should be designed and built based on benchmarks, with integration and scheduling of services and resources as a central focus (e.g., high-performance, high-throughput, intelligent computing and cloud services). Focusing on transparent data access and efficient data circulation will help integrate software and hardware for increased performance, capacity, and flexibility.
Through this review, we highlight how harbours can be used as “in situ laboratories” given the variety of anthropogenic stressors (such as plastic, chemical, sound, light pollution, and invasive species) that can be simultaneously investigated in harbours over long periods of time.

Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microplastics and Nanoplastics: Occurrence, Environmental Impacts and Treatment Processes, 2023, Pages 387-403

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 13: Climate action, and Goal 14: Life below water by providing an overview of the state of knowledge of interactions between climate change and MPs/NPs.
This article presents five actionable strategies to engage and empower young people with climate and ocean science to support ocean sustainable development.
