
Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Advancing Tools for Dealing with Emerging Risks, July 13, 2015

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 14 by providing an overview of ecotoxicological tools currently used for risk assessment in aquatic media, improving risk assessments, biological tools, and emerging concerns.

Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Advancing Tools for Dealing with Emerging Risks, Volume , July 13, 2015

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 14 by describing the major genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and fluxomic approaches developed in aquatic ecotoxicology.
This paper extends the concept of therapeutic landscapes by investigating how green and blue spaces affect older adult health and wellbeing.
This paper contributes to the literature on Indigenous health, human dimensions of climate change, and place-based dimensions of health by examining the role of environment for Inuit health in the con
Human health is better now than at any time in history, but these gains have come at a high price: the degradation of nature’s ecological systems on a scale never seen in human history. A growing body of evidence shows that the health of humanity is intrinsically linked to the health of the environment, but by its actions humanity now threatens to destabilise the Earth’s key life-support systems. As a Commission, we conclude that the continuing degradation of natural systems threatens to reverse the health gains seen over the last century. The SDGs provide a great opportunity to integrate health and sustainability through the judicious selection of relevant indicators relevant to human wellbeing, the enabling infrastructure for development, and the supporting natural systems, together with the need for strong governance.
Contributing to SDGs 3 (Good health and Well-being) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), this concept note explores what a public health approach to global drug policy means in practice.
As the post-MDG era approaches in 2016, reducing child undernutrition is gaining high priority on the international development agenda, both as a maker and marker of development.
In this Series paper, we review evidence for interventions to reduce the prevalence and incidence of violence against women and girls.
Elsevier, The Lancet, Volume 385, 18 April 2015
Health systems have a crucial role in a multisector response to violence against women.
Circos-style plot representing the genetic heterogeneity within developmental disorders
This Article supports SDG 3 by describing the development and implementation of a translational genomics workflow in a large-scale rare disease research study to communicate pertinent findings to individual research participants.
