The use of smart conversational agents for the detection of neuropsychiatric disorders is an emerging and promising field of research using AI.

Cancers in the Urban Environment, Second Edition, 2021, Pages 22-23

This book chapter advances SDG 3 by explaining how advances in technology and research methodology now permit us to assign more certainty to the magnitude of genetic susceptibility.
Research on the relationship between vegetarianism and subjective well-being (SWB) has produced inconsistent results, which may partly be due to small sample sizes and divergent operationalizations of
Intervening in the food environment is critical to improve the diets and nutrition of children and adolescents.
Current food systems are failing to guide children towards healthy diets.
This paper provides an overview of nutrition recommendations for dietary intakes necessary to support normal growth and development of children from birth to 18 years and to promote long-term health a
In this paper, we conducted a narrative review to describe age-specific characteristics that inform how children and adolescents interact with their food systems and how that relationship influences t
Unhealthy food marketing has long been identified as a systems factor with negative health effects on children.
This paper focuses on the most proximate determinants of dietary intake: food behaviors of caregivers, children and adolescents.
