A good review article that looks at the role of vitamin D on the function in the immune system and the signalling pathway of hepatitis B virus.
This paper focuses on raising awareness of disability among Saudi university graduates.
This Personal View supports SDGs 2 and 3 by identifying patterns of food supply that are linked to health and environmental risks. The paper includes details of potential effects of changes in water availablity on agriculture,
This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by developing a deep learning algorithm for the detection of Alzheimer's using retinal photographs, with the potential for use in community screening.

Vacunas (English Edition),
Volume 23, Issue 3,
Pages 174-182,
ISSN 2445-1460

The study shows that, despite most of the professional groups’ high level of knowledge about the study object and their high awareness of the importance of the vaccine as a preventive tool, the role of the healthcare workers as transmitters of infection is less recognised as a reason for vaccination.
This Article supports SDG 3 by analysing the available data regarding HIV prevalence among international migrants compared with native-born people, finding that prevalence was higher among the former group (overall pooled prevalence ratio 1.70). Factors associated with higher prevalence were arriving from African countries, being an undocumented migrant, asylum seeker, or refugee, and being a pregnant woman. Targeted approaches to facilitate testing among these groups may be beneficial.
Structural Racism, Social Determinants of Health, and Provider Bias
This article explores health disparities based on the intersection of sex, geography, race, and ethnicity that have been identified for poorer pre- and postnatal outcomes in the general population, as well as those with critical congenital heart disease.
This article highlights the outbreak of hepatitis among children in the United States and the importance of prevention measures in Africa. It emphasizes the need for Africa to strengthen its healthcare systems to protect children and address infectious diseases.
This Personal View makes a contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 3 by summarising the advances is early detection, drug development, and trial methodology which the authors argue should be used in brain health clinics to develop new therapies for Alzheimer's disease.
