Agricultural wastes are readily available in farming communities and can be utilised for off-grid electrification as an alternative to diesel generators.
Electricity systems based on renewables have an increasing demand for flexibility.
Accurate health estimation and lifetime prediction of lithium-ion batteries are crucial for durable electric vehicles.
Waste multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs), containing BaTiO 3 , Ag, Pd, Ni and Sn etc., are valuable secondary resource.
This review gives a worldwide overview on Power-to-Gas projects producing hydrogen or renewable substitute natural gas focusing projects in central Europe.
In the last couple of years, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been raising a lot of attention mainly due to their versatility and their easy and speedy preparation without the need of further purifi
The number of countries with a national development plan has more than doubled, from about 62 in 2006 to 134 in 2018.
Rising demand for renewable resources has increased silage maize (Zea mays L.)production characterized by intensive soil management, high fertilizer and pesticide inputs as well as simplified crop rot
The Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, as the two biggest climate action initiatives, address the need to shift towards a fully sustainable energy system.
This article shows that research in the design of 100% renewable energy systems in scientific articles is fairly new but has gained increasing attention in recent years.