Elsevier, Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 35, January 2018
Looking back from 2050, this article is written in the form of a fictional speech reflecting on the impressive progress made by 2050 towards achieving the global goal of zero net emissions.
100% in 139 countries
We develop roadmaps to transform the all-purpose energy infrastructures (electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, industry, agriculture/forestry/fishing) of 139 countries to ones powered by wind,

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 22, August 2017

Access to reliable, affordable and sustainable energy is essential for improving living standards, development and economic growth.

Climate change, population growth and rapidly increasing urbanisation severely threaten water quantity and quality in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Fossil fuel subsidies are a key barrier for economic development and climate change mitigation.

It is no secret to anyone living in Beirut or a similar modern city in a semi-arid tropical country in the summer that their home has become a concrete forest and an urban heat island.
Urban water and energy systems are crucial for sustainably meeting basic service demands in cities.
Equality between economic progress and environmental sustainability is essential for a developing country like India.
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 4, 1 April 2017
Chalcopyrite semiconductors are used in thin film solar cells with the highest efficiencies, in particular for flexible solar cells.
