
Background: Early marriage and fertility are major social determinants of health and wellbeing. Rapid shifts in the past three decades, including a rise in sexual activity in unmarried adolescents, a large population of young migrant workers, and a high proportion of males relative to females, have the potential to alter patterns of reproductive health in Chinese adolescents and young women. We aimed to establish long-term trends of marriage and fertility for girls and women aged 15–24 years in China.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by introducing the concept of cultural psychiatry and it's focus on cultural competence training, to address mental health disparities and related injustices, providing the tools professionals need in the field.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by highlighting themes related to child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) care in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Islands world regions. This chapter provides a narrative review of prevalence studies conducted in the regions targeted in this chapter, emphasize the magnitude of the CAMH workforce challenges, describe the importance of considering and addressing the acculturative and socioeconomic challenges that lead to CAMH disparities, and provide solutions and recommendations for the future.
Typical thermographic images of adult Malayan sun bears taken shortly after rest and in a postabsorptive state at (A) TA = 23 °C, (B) TA = 28 °C, and (C) TA = 29 °C.
Thermoregulation in Malayan sun bears is not fully understood. Therefore, in this study the effect of meteorological variables on both behavioural and autonomic thermoregulatory mechanisms in sun bears was examined in order to identify temperature thresholds for the activation of various thermoregulatory mechanisms. Infrared thermography was used to non‒invasively determine body surface temperature (TS) distribution in relation to ambient temperature (TA) and to determine the thermoneutral zone (TNZ) of sun bears.
Background: There is a growing body of research exploring how intimate partner violence affects contraceptive decision-making, recognizing that these decisions are reflective not only of access and acceptability, but also spousal power imbalances. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of knowledge regarding contraceptive choices following gender-based violence during pregnancy. There are an estimated 7·8 million in India affected by violence during pregnancy, and an ongoing, heavy reliance on female sterilization as the dominant form of contraception.
Soil organic matter (OM) stratification and macro and micro fauna are both good indicators for the evaluation of soil ecological functioning, which is interrelated with nutrient cycles. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, responses of the degree of OM stratification with soil depth expressed as a ratio, and belowground biota to forest degradation and land cover changes have received little attention, particularly in northern Iran.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by providing information on various culturally sensitive methods to assess and treat mental health conditions onset by factors contributing to the immigration process for adolescents, adults, and older adults.
Findings from multiple studies link acculturation processes to the psychological and behavioral health of Latino immigrant population in the United States. A critical factor impacting this relation is the context of reception where immigrants settle. Several studies of acculturation have been conducted in traditional receiving contexts, and less attention has been paid to Latino immigrants in emerging contexts. In this chapter, we have discussed how traditional and emerging contexts of reception can confer very different experiences to Latino immigrants, and their significant implications for Latino immigrant health. Further, given the recent influx of crisis migrants from Central America, we have discussed receiving contexts for these newest Latino immigrants to the United States and demonstrated how such contexts might impact their psychological and behavioral health. We concluded with a discussion of implications for the development of policy, as well as culturally specific prevention and intervention programs for Latino immigrants.

Geography and Sustainability, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 141-151

This article supports SDG 13 and SDG 15 by demonstrating the people's willingness to pay for ecosystem services on the Tibetan Plateau of China and highlighting the significance of people's knowledge and attitude as direct driving factors for payment amount.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by outlining a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project where academic researchers and community organization leaders identify mental health and parenting needs through a needs assessment and panel discussion
