

Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare, 'Chapter 9 - A case study in the hybrid energy network with 100 percent renewable energy resources and future directions', Editor(s): Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare, Emerging Transactive Energy Technology for Future Modern Energy Networks, Academic Press, 2023, Pages 135-149, ISBN 9780323911337

This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 11 by supporting clean and sustainable energy and power systems
This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by highlighting coastal management problems related to the reclamation process that have been addressed through geoinformatics. The findings of the study carried out offer a detailed overview of the quantity and quality of research materials reported thus far on the subject of the recycling process, remote sensing, and Geographical Information System innovations.
As the rapid development of population leads to increasing demand for food and land resources, issues such as deforestation, land restoration from lakes, and the recuperation of grassland can lead to a ferocious cycle. This chapter reviews issues and challenges of the land reclamation process and strategic solutions proposed for its sustainable development.
This Article supports SDG 3 by assessing the prevalence of HBV infection among pregnant women in China. The prevalence was 6.17% (HbSAg positive), with regional disparities and an overall decline over the study period of 2015 to 2020.

The concept of “Smart City” has been proposed by governments, the business community, advocacy groups, and research institutions as a means to solve common urban problems and improve the quality of life for citizens. Although a Smart City has the potential to change our cities for the better, it also may unintentionally reinforce existing inequalities. In particular, without appropriate strategies that support inclusion, persons with disabilities and seniors may experience social and digital exclusion in communities.

Graphical abstract
In this review, the authors discuss the drivers, fundamental science, and potential enabling materials for high selectivity membranes, as well as their applications in different water treatment processes.
Figure showing the four main atmospheric water harvesting processes
Producing clean, fresh drinking water from atmospheric water vapor can play an important role in alleviating water scarcity in drought-prone regions of the world. This perspective explores the current trends and future outlook for atmospheric water harvesting technologies.
Effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis related to biodiversity loss and ecosystem health
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by zoonotic SARS-CoV-2, has important links to biodiversity loss and ecosystem health. These links range from anthropogenic activities driving zoonotic disease emergence and extend to the pandemic affecting biodiversity conservation, environmental policy, ecosystem services, and multiple conservation facets. Crucially, such effects can exacerbate the initial drivers, resulting in feedback loops that are likely to promote future zoonotic disease outbreaks.
This articles describes an investigative study in a suspected wildlife hunting incident in which molecular biology techniques were employed to identify the species involved. The genetic analysis in this study was suitable for diagnosing the species and concluding a criminal investigation. Molecular forensic techniques can, therefore, provide an important tool that enables local law enforcement agencies to apprehend poachers.
This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by focusing on educationally meaningful methods to develop programs that exploit voice recognition engines, based on cloud services, so that a smartphone device can remotely trigger typical farming actions or query the values of several critical parameters of the farm specifically for the elderly and disabled.
