
This book chapter advances SDGs 12, 13 and 14 by discussing the current warming of the Arctic climate caused by human exploitation activities and the potential impact these activities may have in driving a number of marine mammals and other vertebrate species to extinction, unless strong conservation initiatives are put in place immediately.
This book chapter addresses SDG 10 and SDG 3 by discussing the ways in which contemporary South Asian Muslim American experiences are further complicated when navigating additional marginalized identities such as gender and sexual orientation, age and generational influences, disability status, class, and national origin

Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease (Sixth Edition), Volume 1, 2020, Pages 199-207

This chapter explores a third use of neurotechnology that neither fits squarely into the category of treatment nor carries some of the moral hesitancies of pure enhancement in persons without physical or intellectual impairment. This third category, referred to as enhancement-2, is the enhancement of cognition for persons who have intellectual disabilities. This content addresses SDG 3 by giving comprehensive coverage of the neurogenetic foundation of neurological and psychiatric disease; explaining all aspects essential to the practice of neurogenetics to inform clinical diagnosis, treatment and genetic counseling.

High-tech products like batteries and electronics contain a variety of valuable, scarce, and in some cases potentially harmful materials, but in only a few exceptional cases (such as lead-acid batteries) is the material being recovered efficiently. Cotributing to SDGs 7, 9 and 12, this special issue seeks to elucidate the technical and institutional difficulties inherent in recycling these products and provide a forum for sharing potential ways to overcome them. 

This book chapter addresses SDGs 2 and 12 by explaining the technological advances in modern breeding techniques in grain crops. Innovative breeding techniques are covered including speed breeding.
This chapter advances SDG 6, 11, and 14 by providing avenues for the application of sustainable bio-based polymers in wastewater treatment and their role in removing pesticides, to support clean water, a healthy ecosystem, and sustainable consumption.
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Food Science, Volume 33, June 2020
Sensory and consumer researcher can focus on the three main topics exemplified in this short review: corporate and consumer social responsibility, low income or vulnerable consumers, and migration. The concept of corporate and consumer social responsibility has gained more and more attention as people attempt to understand the relationship between the effort made by industry to carry out social and environmental actions.
The destruction of natural habitats is causing loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Although a “zero deforestation” is targeted, agriculture expansion caused by increasing human population and per capita consumption might boost the destruction of natural habitats in the coming decades. Here, we estimated the current and future extinction crisis in terrestrial ecoregions caused by habitat destruction and related this pattern with the current conservation efforts.
