
Recent progress in the genomics of non-syndromic autism spectrum disorder (nsASD) highlights rare, large-effect, germline, heterozygous de novo coding mutations. This distinguishes nsASD from later-onset psychiatric disorders where gene discovery efforts have predominantly yielded common alleles of small effect. These differences point to distinctive opportunities for clarifying the neurobiology of nsASD and developing novel treatments.

Elsevier, Advances in Radiation Oncology, Volume 3, October - December 2018
There is currently much interest in identifying and mitigating gender inequity within medicine, the greater workforce and society as a whole. We provide an evidence-based review of current and historical trends in gender diversity in the RO physician workforce and identify potential barriers to diversity and inclusion in training, professional development, and career advancement.

Stockholm – RELX Group, a global provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries, has announced the winners of the 2018 RELX Group Environmental Challenge which supports innovative solutions to improve sustainable access to safe water and sanitation. The $50,000 first and $25,000 second prize winners were recognised during World Water Week in Stockholm, a unique annual event bringing together water researchers, policymakers, journalists, companies and non-profits to address the key water challenges of the 21st century. 

RELX Group has published a new analysis, conducted by Elsevier, on SDG3: Good health and wellbeing. Looking specifically at SDG 3, this graphic provides insight into peer-reviewed research on health and three intersection with three critical health and wellbeing research areas: non-communicable disease, gender equity and climate change.
This content supports SDGs 3 and 10 by providing examples of formal support that can enhance natural and informal supports by recognizing and enhancing a person's capacities, strengthening and connecting social networks, leveraging resources within environments accessed by all citizens, and utilizing technological innovations so people with IDD can achieve their preferred quality of life.
This chapter contributes to SDGs 3 and 10 by a review of the transition planning process, policy related to collaboration and transition planning, and research supporting collaboration during transition to adulthood for young adults with disabilities.
This book chapter addresses SDG 5 and 8 by explaining the stereotype and stereotype threat that presents difficult challenges to women in STEM. This dual hazard impacts standardized testing as well as workplace acceptance and success.
This book chapter addresses SDG 5 and 8 by showcasing how gendered communication styles affect workplace interactions and performance, and STEM fields, which are traditionally male-dominated, frequently exhibit masculine practices that limit women.
Elsevier, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 7, September 2018
Rural communities in developing countries often require small cold storage for vital medicines while having no access to electricity. The utilization of waste heat – produced in biomass burning cookstoves during daily cooking routines – to power a thermoacoustic engine driving a thermoacoustic refrigerator is investigated. The simplicity and affordability is met by the use of atmospheric air as working medium, cheap PVC ducting for acoustic waveguides and locally available blacksmithing technologies for simple heat exchangers.
In 2007, John Warner and Jim Babcock founded the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry and, with Amy Cannon, founded the green chemistry education nonprofit organization Beyond Benign. John is the recipient of the 2004 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Mentoring and the 2014 Perkin Medal. In addition, John is one of the founders of the field of green chemistry and is co-author of the defining textbook Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice.
