

International Economics, Volume 134, August 2013

The economic crises seems blinding the governments and major economic actors toward environmental troubles. Nevertheless, the impacts of population growth and economic expansion have now the potential to disrupt important regulatory functions of global ecological systems. Green growth involves transforming the production and consumption processes in order to maintain or restore these regulatory functions of the planet's natural capital. It requires that environmental facto rs be treated as an essential factor of production and not merely an externality.


Women and Health (Second Edition), 2013, Pages 1515-1526

Addresses the impact of long-term care on women, outlining the salient issues affecting women who are receiving care and those who are providing informal caregiving, as well as those who are direct care workers in long-term care facilities. Focus is given to the prevalence of physical and mental health conditions among women in the long-term care system and identification of risk factors associated with women’s health and economic well-being.
Summarizes the evidence on how education, work, and marriage influence women’s health. In light of dramatic changes in gender-based inequalities in education, occupational opportunities, and marriage, trends in major indicators of women’s health are discussed in relation to the relevance of social changes for recent and future population patterns in women’s health.
This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing the role of inflammation in drug-induced liver injury.
A growing body of literature supports stigma and discrimination as fundamental causes of health disparities. Stigma and discrimination experienced by transgender people have been associated with increased risk for depression, suicide, and HIV. Transgender stigma and discrimination experienced in health care influence transgender people's health care access and utilization. Thus, understanding how stigma and discrimination manifest and function in health care encounters is critical to addressing health disparities for transgender people.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013, Pages 691-699

This book chapter addresses goals 13, 14 and 15 by discussing how global declines of amphibians refer to the phenomenon of the population declines and even extinctions of amphibian species around the world.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013, Pages 681-707

This book chapter addresses goals 13, 14, and 15 by discussing the biodiversity of mammals, covering all ranges from a shrew to the blue whale.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013, Pages 399-410

This book chapter addresses goals 13, 14, 15 and 17 by discussing the definition of biodiversity that is both scientifically sensible and universally applicable; this is imperative to help guide the design of policy and programs for the future, as well as to make critical decisions in the present.
A considerable body of work highlights the relevance of collaborative research, contract research, consulting and informal relationships for university-industry knowledge transfer. We present a systematic review of research on academic scientists' involvement in these activities to which we refer as 'academic engagement'. Apart from extracting findings that are generalisable across studies, we ask how academic engagement differs from commercialisation, defined as intellectual property creation and academic entrepreneurship.
