Chest pain in a Ukrainian woman living in Italy immediately after news of homeland Russian invasion.
A study of the risks from emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and their disproportionate impact on particularly vulnerable individuals or groups in a community. The authors identify and map types of harms or injustices experienced in the digital space to understand how they are translated into rights violations by adjudicative bodies. Racial structural injustice is one aspect of the research.

The data in this article investigated the extent of human rights awareness in the seven States comprising the Northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria and its relationship with the characteristics of th
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore male nurses’ experiences of workplace gender discrimination and sexual harassment in South Korea.

This article examines the role of empathy for outgroup helping, collective action and political activism among youth in Northern Ireland, a setting of protracted conflict.

Data regarding racial and ethnic enrollment diversity for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) clinical trials in the United States are limited, and little is known about the
Looks at the mental health of the Black community in the USA in response to police brutality. Ties to reduced inequalities, peace and justice, good health and wellbeing for all.
The purpose of the present paper is to disentangle the mechanisms that connect climate change-induced disasters, inequality and vulnerability by accounting for both directions of causality.
The paper examines the prevalence and patterns of honour-based violence and oppression by documenting and analysing self-reported experiences among youth in contemporary metropolitan Sweden.