Problem: Today, one in four children in the world lives in an area of conflict or disaster, and more than 30 million have been displaced, enslaved or trafficked, abused, and exploited.
This chapter supports SDG 16 by providing an overview of the specificities of humanitarian transportation and logistics.
The Impacts of Climate Change, A Comprehensive Study of Physical, Biophysical, Social, and Political Issues, 2021, Pages 537-545
This chapter supports SDGs 3, 16, and 13 by exploring the growing situation of “climate refugees," people displaced throughout the world because of extreme weather events or other climate change factors.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) has helped to reduce global disaster risk, but there has been a lack of progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) for people living in fragile
This article documents the increasing numbers of children impacted annually by 1 or more types of violence against children and describes the range of types of injuries and their immediate and long-te
The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered and intensified existing societal inequalities.
This chapter supports SDGs 3, 16 by exploring the challenges confronting internally displaced persons and refugee children.
We study how two mobility social movements with online leverage (namely AltMobility PH and Friends of Pearl Drive) attempt to reorient the trajectory of transport development in favor of commuters and
The Skinner case advances our understanding of the global history and distribution of Paget’s disease of bone (PDB) by studying a possible case in an indigenous pre-contact male from Canada.
The crisis provoked by COVID-19 has rapidly and profoundly affected Latin America.