

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Volume 29, June 2023

This Viewpoint supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by estimating the potential financial cost of lecanemab, a drug for early Alzheimer's disease, if it were to be approved in Europe at the same price as in the USA. The authors suggest that pricing would be unsustainable and that new payment models will be needed to address affordability and inequalities in access.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 11, June 2023

This Comment article supports SDG 3 and 16 by highlighting how complex humanitarian settings have become fertile environments for spreading misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, and how the 2021 release of the Oxford Statement on International Law Protection in Cyberspace, which touches on sovereignty, incitement, human rights, criminal law, general rules of international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, is an important first step to address this type of disinformation.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 22, June 2023, 100527

This News item supports SDG 3 by describing the work of the PAHO Commission on Mental Health and COVID-19, which was created in order to improve mental health care in the Latin America and Caribbean region in light of the mental health crisis resulting from the pandemic. The article describes the 10 recommendations set forth by the Commission, and the opportunities and implications of these recommendations.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 35, June 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating alanine transaminase antiviral treatments for hepatitis B virus infection in China. The authors suggest the optimal treatment coverage for both cost-effectiveness and mortality reduction based on their findings

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 35, June 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating shared-care models with hepatitis B virus testing in China, including an analysis of the cost-effectiveness and the impact on quality of life and mortality.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 35, June 2023

This Review supports SDG 3 by assessing the availablility of data for reporting elimination targets of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis, and reports on progress towards these targets in Pacific Island countries and territories.

Current Opinion in Virology, Volume 60, June 2023

This review supports SDG 3 as despite available antiviral therapy, hepatitis C virus (HCV) remains a global health burden and a prophylactic vaccine would help to eliminate the risk to develop chronic liver diseases. This paper uses data to draw a simplified model of virus entry, which highlights gaps in our current knowledge that warrant further research to fully understand this process at the atomic level.
Schematic showing the proposed mechanism involved in HIV-1 Tat-mediated microglial ferroptosis.

Redox Biology, Volume 62, June 2023

This study underscores a novel mechanism(s) underlying HIV-1 Tat-mediated ferroptosis and microglial activation involving miR-204–ACSL4 signaling.
Distribution of TB occurrence according anaemia severity

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 60, June 2023

Tuberculosis is often reported in people with HIV. In this secondary post-hoc analysis of the A5274 REMEMBER clinical trial, the authors identified that people with HIV and moderate-to-severe anaemia had a higher incidence of TB than those with HIV who did not have anaemia. Addressing two key diseeases listed in SDG 3.3 (HIV and TB), the authors call for close monitoring of people with HIV and anaemia.

The Lancet Healthy Longevity, Volume 4, June 2023

This is a Personal View discussing socioeconomic risk factors for dementia in women in Latin American Countries, with emphasis on gender roles and expectations that can infleuence the onset and prevalence of dementia
