The recovery of resources from waste streams including food production plants can improve the overall sustainability of such processes from both economic and environmental points of view.

Circular economy strategies seek to reduce the total resources extracted from the environment and reduce the wastes that human activities generate in pursuit of human wellbeing.

The UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets have been considered in multidisciplinary approaches worldwide.

Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. To address these problems, we develop Green New Deal energy roadmaps for 143 countries.
Elsevier, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 110, December 2019
The International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) is comprised of members from some 40 countries.

As global temperatures continue to rise, questions about infrastructure capacity to keep up with energy demand are increasingly germane.

Electricity systems based on renewables have an increasing demand for flexibility.
Municipal advisory committees are becoming increasingly influential in guiding decision-making processes that address climatic issues.

Air pollution and climate change are key global challenges for cities and both have large impacts on human health and economic development.

The number of countries with a national development plan has more than doubled, from about 62 in 2006 to 134 in 2018.
