An Article on mental health morbidities in family carers of individuals with psychosis, in the context of SDG 3, focusing specifically on online psychoeducation.
An Article on suicide risk among individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds, in the context of SDG 3, highlighting the heterogeneity in risk among minority ethnic groups and the need to change the practice of homogenously grouping individuals together in research and the public discourse.
Background: Childhood traumatic events are risk factors for psychopathology, but large-scale studies of how childhood traumatic events relate to mental health and cognition in adulthood, and how the b
Background: Over 85% of Kibera's population, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, is food insecure.
This paper supports SDG 3 by analysing the overall efficiency of tuberculosis spending and investigating associated factors in 121 low-income and middle-income countries between 2010 and 2019.
This Commission supports SDG 3 by calling on all countries to both invest more and invest better in primary health care by designing their health financing arrangements in ways that place people at the centre and by addressing inequities first.
Meaningful engagement and tailored information can support effective vaccine promotion. Organisational level change is needed to address structural barriers, inequities, and discrimination.
This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation and Goal 3: Good health and well-being by arguing that SW resources, aquatic ecosystems, and unsuccessfully treated wastewater on water courses must be effectively treated to prevent hostile health risks that have long-term as well as short-term effects on human health.
This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 3: Good health and well-being, and Goal 14: Life below water by summarizing different types of wastewater, its effects on freshwater ecosystem, and remedies to reduce the effect of these effluents on freshwater ecosystem and indirectly on humans.
