This Article supports SDG 3 by focusing on pregnant and postpartum women with HIV and assessing the risk factors for adverse postpartum outcomes and examining which factors can be addressed to support breastfeeding in resource-rich settings.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 123, August 2023

Using brain tissue from donors with Alzheimer's disease, Anderson et al. identify new links between gene regulation and disease. These regulators could represent future clinical targets or disease markers for Alzheimer's diagnosis and treatment.
Choropleth map displaying HIV Prevalence spread across Nigeria.
Population-based surveys are expensive and time consuming. By determining state-level seropositivity using national testing service data and a Bayesian linear model, a map of HIV prevalence was generated across the whole of Nigeria. By identifying the areas in which HIV is most prevalent interventions can be targeted. This less resource intense Bayseian method allows for national monitoring of HIV prevalence.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Life-Long Impact, 2023, Pages 207-242

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health as well as Goal 17: Partnership for the goals by reviewing the effects of trauma has on a child including psychological and biological.
This study observes that oxidative dame in Alzheimer's Diseases is a pathogenic mechanism at the cell-tissue level.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 204, 1 August 2023

In vivo triple transgenic AD mouse model brains and retinas showed hypoxic vessels expressing hypoxyprobe and HIF-1α. In in vitro OGD-treated endothelial cells, HIF-1α upregulated NADPH oxidase (NOX) (i.e., Nox2, Nox4). NLRP1 protein was promoted by OGD, and such effect was blocked by downregulation of Nox4 and HIF-1α. Hypoxic endothelial cells of AD brains and retinas markedly expressed NLRP1, ASC, caspase-1, and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Chronic hypoxia in microvascular endothelial cells leads to HIF-1α-NLRP1 circuit in AD.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by discussing the medical applications and limitations of five US Food and Drug Administration–approved INSTIs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and preexposure prophylaxis for HIV-1.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by discussing 310 tiglianes reported during 1967–2022, including the mechanisms of action of tiglianes against HIV and discusses the anti-HIV structure–activity relationship of certain tiglianes.
PHQ-8 could be used for screening and severity assesment of depressive symptoms at the European level.
This Health Policy paper supports SDGs 2, 3, and 13, by identifying and examining the debates that arose from the publication of the EAT–Lancet Commission, systematically examining how research has been directly influenced by the Commission, and synthesising identified research gaps to build a research agenda for healthy and sustainable food systems.
