An investigation supporting SDGs 7 and 13, based in Ghana, into the possibility of using slaughterhouse wastes as a source of renewable energy through biogas technology. The researchers concluded that 'Ghana generates significant amount of slaughterhouse waste each year that can be processed using AD [anaerobic digestion] for energy and electricity production to supplement the country's electricity needs, while reducing GHG emissions'.
We observe the link between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We use automated methodologies to find insights and overlaps between AI and the SDGs. AI-Ethics frameworks need to give more attention to Society and Environment areas. Inclusive action is needed to balance the efforts for solving SDGs by using AI.SDGs 13, 14, and 15 (all related to the Environment area) are not sufficiently addressed.
This article supports SDGs 9, 11, and 17 by illustrating the opportunity for the use of electric powered vehicles as an energy source during natural disaster events.

In this episode of the “World We Want” podcast series, Christopher Grant Kirwan, multidisciplinary professional and educator, as well as author of the book Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence, talks to Márcia Balisciano about urban development and smart cities.
Power System Protection in Future Smart Grids: Achieving Reliable Operation with Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, and Distributed Generation, Volume , 1 January 2023
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 9 as it enables resilience and protection for renewable energy-integrated grids and infrastructure.
Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Techniques in Wind Energy, Volume , 1 January 2023
This chapter supports UN SDGs 7 and 13 by reviewing condition monitoring technologies and current research challenges and opportunities, enabling improved performance and durability of wind turbines, and supporting energy transition of which wind power is a key component.

Offers practical insights to guide shipping industry managers to introduce environmentally responsible and sustainable practices.
This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation by reviewing the tools available for the collection of groundwater samples, methods of on-site water-quality analysis
This study investigates how sustainable transport infrastructure affects access to healthcare.
Intelligent Environments: Advanced Systems for a Healthy Planet, Second Edition, 2023, pp 475-497
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 9 and 11 by discussing the growing field of Digital City Science and the convergence of digital cities and sustainable urban development.