
Shows behavioural and physiological responses to habitat change
This Article supports SDG 3 sequencing hepatitis C virus genomes in west Africa, showing the level of genotypic diversity and measuring the response to direct-acting antivirals.
Human health, in the coming decades (and already in some “front-running” regions), is in peril. Although some authorities warn that over-stating such risks can induce paralysis and despair, under-stating them will not generate the intense action that is required. The impact of climate change on the Earth system is now so significant that the next ice age will likely be delayed by at least 50,000 years [201]. If humans do not rapidly change their collective behavior, then this may be their most enduring legacy. It is hoped that this chapter makes a small contribution to SDG3.
Knowledge of biological diversity is a major source of innovation. Collective intellectual property of traditional knowledge by Indigenous peoples and local communities is an important source of innovation and product development. This article investigates collective intellectual property systems on the traditional knowledge of Aspalathus linearis, also known as rooibos—an endemic plant from South Africa which is the basis of an important herbal tea industry. The article discusses how collective action and self-organization can generate collective intellectual property systems; indigenous peoples and local communities can develop these systems to protect their IP; how these systems can promote social justice and a more equitable distribution of benefits but can be sources of dispute between socio-economic groups and communities and can reproduce historical inequalities and power asymmetries.
Previous studies have shown that people with HIV are at an increased risk of non-communicable diseases, this systematic review and meta-analysis collates data from 188 studies done in 21 sub-Saharan Africa countries and shows that people with HIV have an increased incidence of multiple NCDs, including hypertension, diabetes, and cervical cancer. Although more research is needed, this results highlight the need for improved treatment and prentative approaches to minimise the risk of people with HIV also developing non-comminicable diseases. Good health and wellbeing should not solely be focused on HIV managment; this study shows the growing risk of other diseases that have to be mitigated.

Manson's Tropical Diseases (Twentyfourth Edition), 2024, Pages 11-19

With a pressing climate emergency and increasing interconnectedness, the need for action on health at a global level is greater than ever. Achieving Universal Health Coverage with a strong base in primary healthcare is essential. This must be accompanied by policies to address the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of ill health, supporting SDG3.
This Article supports SDG 3 by showing, through a modelling analysis, that community tenofovir, lamivudine, and dolutegravir (TLD) is likely to reduce HIV incidence and be cost-effective, thus leading to population health benefits.
This Article supports SDG 3 by showing that interventions and strategies to reduce mortality from HIV-related CNS infection in public hospitals within routine care services can substantially reduce all-cause 2-week mortality among people living with HIV presenting to public hospitals with suspected HIV-related CNS infection.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 13 by providing assessments and knowledge gaps along Ghana’s coast on the aspects of SLR, subsidence and coastal vulnerability.
This study supports SDG 13 by examining climatic features, M − K trend test, variability, precipitation concentration index and temperature variability on the role of smallholder farmers in eastern Ethiopia.
