This guide explores the role of corporate finance and investments in scaling finance for the SDGs, including how FDI, financial intermediation and public-private partnerships can be a source of finance for less liquid SDG investments that cannot be invested directly by portfolio or institutional investors. This includes providing access to finance in countries with less developed financial markets or for SDG solutions that are too small or illiquid to attract portfolio investors. The report contributes to SDGs 8, 16 and 17.
The publication highlights the potential role of social dialogue in fostering stability, equity, productivity, sustainable enterprises and inclusive growth, contributing to SDGs 8, 10 and 12.
Partner content
This solution-focused report — the fourth in its series — offers 10 new markets which could help get the Global Goals back on track, such as blockchain-based land rights for Goal 10 and energy-efficient cooling for Goal 13. The report aims to demonstrate how global sustainability challenges and risks can be seen as opportunities.
November 28, 2018
RELX Group held two SDG Inspiration Days to bring together business, government and civil society to scale collaboration and engagement on the SDGs. The first SDG Inspiration Day took place in San Jose, California and focused on disruptive technology to advance the goals. The second day took place in Amsterdam and focused on the power of partnerships to achieve the goals.
To celebrate 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, World Travel Market London is focusing World Responsible Tourism Day – including the WTM Responsible Tourism Awards – on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The awards categories are centred on the UN’s Sustainable Tourism Goals, with a focus on businesses, destinations and organisation which can clearly demonstrate their contribution to sustainable development