
Global issues are inextricably linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established in 2015, the SDGs provide a universal blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. They encompass a wide array of global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice, among others, making them a comprehensive framework for international cooperation and action. Each SDG is further divided into specific targets, which are designed to address these challenges at multiple levels.

One of the fundamental principles of the SDGs is that they are interconnected; solving one issue often contributes to resolving others. For example, tackling poverty (SDG 1) can help reduce hunger (SDG 2) and improve health and well-being (SDG 3). Similarly, pursuing quality education (SDG 4) can empower women (SDG 5), and create decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). In turn, these efforts can contribute to reduced inequalities (SDG 10) and promote peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16).

In the era of globalization, the role of international cooperation in achieving the SDGs is crucial. The global nature of many contemporary challenges, such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitates that nations work together to address these issues. As such, the SDGs provide a shared global agenda that transcends national borders and brings together diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals.

While the SDGs provide the framework for global action, they also have implications for local and national contexts. Countries, regions, and cities are encouraged to tailor the global SDGs to their own contexts, developing local strategies and initiatives to achieve these goals. By addressing global issues at both global and local scales, the SDGs promote a multilevel, integrated approach to sustainable development.

Overall, the relationship between global issues and the SDGs is one of mutual influence and interdependence. The SDGs reflect the urgent need to address global challenges, while also providing a pathway towards solutions. They are a testament to the power of international cooperation and the potential for collective action to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world.

Purpose: Radiation therapy interruption (RTI) worsens cancer outcomes. Our purpose was to benchmark and map RTI across a region in the United States with known cancer outcome disparities. Methods and Materials: All radiation therapy (RT) treatments at our academic center were cataloged. Major RTI was defined as ≥5 unplanned RT appointment cancellations. Univariate and multivariable logistic and linear regression analyses identified associated factors. Major RTI was mapped by patient residence.

Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease (Sixth Edition), Volume 1, 2020, Pages 199-207

This chapter explores a third use of neurotechnology that neither fits squarely into the category of treatment nor carries some of the moral hesitancies of pure enhancement in persons without physical or intellectual impairment. This third category, referred to as enhancement-2, is the enhancement of cognition for persons who have intellectual disabilities. This content addresses SDG 3 by giving comprehensive coverage of the neurogenetic foundation of neurological and psychiatric disease; explaining all aspects essential to the practice of neurogenetics to inform clinical diagnosis, treatment and genetic counseling.
Sharks are a taxon of significant conservation concern and associated public interest. The scientific community largely supports management policies focusing on sustainable fisheries exploitation of sharks, but many concerned members of the public and some environmental advocates believe that sustainable shark fisheries cannot and do not exist and therefore support total bans on all shark fisheries and/or trade in shark products.
This chapter advances SDG 6, 11, and 13 by explaining how droughts have long played a major disruptive role in history, threatening the stability of human society. Here, we briefly review the relationship between civilizations and drought, stressing the link between agriculture and drought impacts.
Sustainability assessment of chemical product and process design is essential to reducing waste and improving industrial sustainability. This book chapter advances SDGs 9 and 12.
Introduction: Clitoral reconstruction (CR) is a controversial surgical procedure performed for women who have undergone medically unnecessary, often ritualistic genital cutting involving the clitoris. Such cutting is known by several terms; we will use female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Treatments offered to women affected by complications of FGM/C include defibulation (releasing the scar of infibulation to allow penetrative intercourse, urinary flow, physiological delivery, and menstruation) and CR to decrease pain, improve sexual response, and create a pre-FGM/C genital appearance.
Elsevier, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 82, February 2020
Global mental health, neuroethics, and disability have become three intertwined disciplines/fields. Mental disorders are a major contributor to global burden of disease. Advances in neuroscience-technology expand our vision of the relationship between brain, mind and environment.This chapter addresses the SDG 3 by exploring the challenges and hopes in this area.
Neuropathic pain (NeuP) arises due to injury of the somatosensory nervous system and is both common and disabling, rendering an urgent need for non-addictive, effective new therapies. Given the high evolutionary conservation of pain, investigative approaches from Drosophila mutagenesis to human Mendelian genetics have aided our understanding of the maladaptive plasticity underlying NeuP. Successes include the identification of ion channel variants causing hyper-excitability and the importance of neuro-immune signaling.
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in natural environments requires careful management choices. However, common methods of evaluating the impact of conservation interventions can have contextual shortcomings. Here, we make a call for counterfactual thinking—asking the question “what would have happened in the absence of an intervention?”—with the support of rigorous evaluation approaches and more thoughtful consideration of human dimensions and behavior.
