
Global issues are inextricably linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established in 2015, the SDGs provide a universal blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. They encompass a wide array of global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice, among others, making them a comprehensive framework for international cooperation and action. Each SDG is further divided into specific targets, which are designed to address these challenges at multiple levels.

One of the fundamental principles of the SDGs is that they are interconnected; solving one issue often contributes to resolving others. For example, tackling poverty (SDG 1) can help reduce hunger (SDG 2) and improve health and well-being (SDG 3). Similarly, pursuing quality education (SDG 4) can empower women (SDG 5), and create decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). In turn, these efforts can contribute to reduced inequalities (SDG 10) and promote peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16).

In the era of globalization, the role of international cooperation in achieving the SDGs is crucial. The global nature of many contemporary challenges, such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitates that nations work together to address these issues. As such, the SDGs provide a shared global agenda that transcends national borders and brings together diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals.

While the SDGs provide the framework for global action, they also have implications for local and national contexts. Countries, regions, and cities are encouraged to tailor the global SDGs to their own contexts, developing local strategies and initiatives to achieve these goals. By addressing global issues at both global and local scales, the SDGs promote a multilevel, integrated approach to sustainable development.

Overall, the relationship between global issues and the SDGs is one of mutual influence and interdependence. The SDGs reflect the urgent need to address global challenges, while also providing a pathway towards solutions. They are a testament to the power of international cooperation and the potential for collective action to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world.

It has recently been proposed that short-term memory (STM) binding deficits might be an important feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD), providing a potential avenue for earlier detection of this disorder. By contrast, work in Parkinson's disease (PD), using different tasks, has suggested that the STM impairment in this condition is characterised by increased random guessing, possibly due to fluctuating attention.
This study explored an established primary care–based dementia pathway in New Zealand (NZ) and nurse practitioner dementia diagnosis and care in 1 small United States state that has adopted a value-based delivery model. Central to the NZ model was the education of primary care providers, clear delineation of specialists’ support and referral pathways, and routine and predictable family carer respite. The US respondents reported that the essential resources necessary to support the diagnosis and management of dementia were lacking.
In April, 2019, the Alzheimer's Association Dementia Care Provider Roundtable convened to discuss common challenges faced when implementing person-centered, non-pharmacological practices in long-term care and other settings that provide care and programs for persons living with dementia, and to develop relevant, specific guidance from the perspective of administrative leaders from 23 long-term and community-based care provider organizations (representing home, community-based, and residential care).

Choy Yee Keong, Chapter 2 - The United Nations' journey to global environmental sustainability since Stockholm: An assessment, Editor(s): Choy Yee Keong, Global Environmental Sustainability, Elsevier, 2021, Pages 7-61

This book chapter advances SDGs 13, 15, and 17 by providing perspective on what's been done so far to address environmental sustainability globally and how the goals have developed as a response to climate change.
Due to advances in the early detection of Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarkers including beta-amyloid (Aβ), neuropsychological measures that are sensitive to concurrent, subtle changes in cognition are critically needed. Story recall tasks have shown sensitivity to early memory declines in persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early stage dementia, as well as in persons with autosomal dominantly inherited AD up to 10 years prior to a dementia diagnosis. However, the evidence is inconclusive regarding relationships between evidence of Aβ and story recall measures.
The governance and provision of accessible transport services for students with disabilities is complex and involves numerous stakeholders, from families and schools, to transport operators and various levels of government. Experiences of traveling to school via bus can also be remarkably difficult for children with disabilities and their families. Despite the complexity and challenges associated with accessible student transport, little has been written about this topic. This scoping review begins to address this knowledge gap.
Elsevier, Advances in Radiation Oncology, Volume 5, 1 September 2020
Purpose: Poor nutrition is highly implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer and affects the survival of patients during and after completion of definitive therapies. Mechanistic evidence accumulated over the last century now firmly places dysregulated cellular energetics within the emerging hallmarks of cancer. Nutritional intervention studies often aim to either enhance treatment effect or treat nutritional deficiencies that portend poor prognoses.

Heliyon, Volume 6, August 2020

A good paper to highlight plastic pollution in the marine ecosystem in order to make people aware of a plastic-free, healthy blue ocean in the near future.
Passengers who require special assistance at airports and on aircraft represent one of the fastest growing demographics for aviation worldwide. At some airports, annual growth in PRM (persons with reduced mobility) traffic is six times greater than the overall rate of passenger growth yet barriers to accessible air travel remain and disabled passengers continue to exhibit a lower propensity to fly than other travellers.
