Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd every year to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The theme for Earth day 2023 is Invest In Our Planet. Elsevier is proud to highlight these freely accessible book chapters and journal articles in honour of this event.
This article advances SDG # 13, 1 and 11 by identifying ways to meet the dual objectives of poverty eradication and staying within the biophysical safe operating space of the climate via integrated policy packages supporting strong economic development, ambitious educational attendance, sustainable dietary choices, low fossil fuel consumption and energy demand, and lower fertilizer consumption.
Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building: Cross Cutting Issues, 2023, Pages 127-143
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 11 and 10 by developing a practical philosophy that elaborates elements from the Indigenous knowledge system for hybrid epistemologies from which actions can be developed for disaster risk reduction.
Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building: Cross Cutting Issues, 2023, Pages 347-361
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 11 and 10 by contextualizing how the integration of indigenous practice and scientific knowledge of DRR can support development organizations and policymakers in planning effective and practical activities to mitigate and manage disaster risk in indigenous communities. This conceptual article argues that indigenous knowledge can assist in becoming more aware of disaster risks, implementing a successful local disaster management plan, and conducting scientific research and training.
Explores the problems faced by persons with disabilities while using public transport in Lahore, Pakistan, and how these problems influence their choice of mode of transport. Makes recommendations for transport policies and future research.
How cities dealt with food in the past, ultimately lessons for the present and future.
Buildings consume almost one-third of the total global energy and emit nearly 15% of the direct CO2 generated on the planet. This review paper categorizes and explains plausible applications of thermoelectric materials and devices in buildings.
This article supports SDG # 3, 11 and 13 showing how even in wealthy countries, climate change is causing an acceleration of extremely costly disasters, and the authors provide a framework for disaster risk reduction that is applicable to climate change.
This One Earth Perspective Article explores how coastal communities are increasingly exposed to risks due to trade offs from international conservation efforts and rapid economic and climate change, and argues that policymakers seeking to promote ocean biodiversity (SDG 14) must first prioritize social justice and general resilience to equitably enable sustainable communities (SDG 11).
This paper focuses on the impact of epidemic situation on carbon emissions in different provinces of China and provide different emission reduction directions and measures for carbon emission research in different provinces.