This article introduces the concept of blue economy and how such a framework can help to improve sustainable development of oceans.
Climate change and economic growth are responsible for increased water stress.This study provides a baseline understanding of the interplay among water, climate change, and socio-economic development in NSTM.
This study reveals that climate change reduces the variety of wetland ecosystem services and increases socio-economic vulnerability and economic stress.
A Viewpoint in support of SDGs 3, 13, and 17, proposing a range of strategies for developing a 'public health playbook', to counter the 'corporate playbook' used by powerful commercial actors to protect their business interests at the expense of population health and wellbeing, including numerous health-harming and planet-harming industries, such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pharmaceuticals, ultraprocessed foods and beverages, firearms and weapons, automobiles, social media and technology, oil and gas, and chemicals.
This article uncovers measures and actions to be made to remove gender barriers in marine related research.
Elsevier, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 43, June 2022
Historically STI policy is connected to national security and the military. Yet, contemporary innovation policy is rarely discussed in a security context.
The purpose of this study is to quantify the joint impacts of climate and human activities on grassland changes in Three-River Headwater Region (TRHR) after two phases of Ecological Conservation and Construction Project (Ecological Project).
This study found that increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events caused by human-induced climate change challenges progress on sustainable city development, but could also accelerate activities to enable cities to become more resilient.
An Article in support of all SDGS, particularly SDGs 4, 13, and 17, assessing the interlinkages between the 17 SDGs and climate change.
A Comment on planetary health and Indigenous land rights, in the context of SDGs 3, 15, and 17, focusing specifically on safeguarding biological and cultural diversity to halt ecosystem destruction, disease emergence, and climate change.
