Multiple nutrient deficiencies related to severe soil fertility depletion have emerged as the major constraint to the sustainability of agriculture on a global scale.
Fisheries constitute an important source of livelihoods for tens of thousands of poor people in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh, and they supply a significant portion of protein for million
Existing studies on adaptation to climate change mainly focus on a comparison of male-headed and female-headed households.
Elsevier, World Development, Volume 94, 1 June 2017
Existing evidence on the impacts of parental education on child nutrition is plagued by both internal and external validity concerns.
Approaches to food security primarily focus on technological solutions, seeking to produce more food, preferably with fewer resources.
Elsevier, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 76, 1 May 2017
India has the world's highest burden of child undernutrition. Lack of income is considered as one of its primary causes.
Background The availability of freshwater for irrigation in the Indian agricultural sector is expected to decline over the coming decades.
Background Information about the global structure of agriculture and nutrient production and its diversity is essential to improve present understanding of national food production patterns, agricultu
This book chapter advances SDGs 15 and 2 by discussing basic soil physical, chemical, and biological properties and explores the interrelationships between different soil properties and functions as essential building blocks for a healthy functioning soil system.
