
This paper explores a customary system of water governance in Ghana.
Background: Africa is undergoing both an environmental and an epidemiological transition. Household air pollution is the predominant form of air pollution, but it is declining, whereas ambient air pollution is increasing. We aimed to quantify how air pollution is affecting health, human capital, and the economy across Africa, with a particular focus on Ethiopia, Ghana, and Rwanda. Methods: Data on household and ambient air pollution were from WHO Global Health Observatory, and data on morbidity and mortality were from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study.

This chapter aligns with UN SDG 3 discussing the initial government mitigation efforts and actions at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic in two different Maasai regions. The chapter highlights the contrasting political environments in Kenya and Tanzania and how each impacted the Indigenous East African community. While acknowledging the significance of modern information and communication technologies, it also offers a glimpse of unique internal culturally relevant messaging strategies adopted within the global governance networks.


The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 3, 2021, 100057

Climate change is impacting the life, health, and security of people worldwide with poor communities and displaced populations at particular risk due to lack of awareness and mitigation plans. 
The Sustainable Development Goals call for countries to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment (Target 3.5) and for health services to be made universally available (Target 3.8). This paper is part of a broad, global effort to build the capacity of health systems in high-need settings to expand access to mental health services by integrating those services into primary care. In South Africa, nurses are at the heart of this integration effort, and our goal was to learn how best to support nurses to integrate mental health services into their work.
Background: Children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who require nutritional rehabilitation unit (NRU) treatment often have poor developmental and nutritional outcomes following discharge. The Kusamala Program is a 4-d hospital-based counseling program for caregivers of children with SAM that integrates nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene and psychosocial stimulation, aimed at improving these outcomes. Objectives: The aim was to evaluate the effects of the Kusamala Program on child development and nutritional status in children with SAM 6 mo after NRU discharge.
The review examined the potential of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and the current state of exploitation in Kenya.
It discussed the groundwater resource exploration & development
Proven and sustainable practices like climate-smart agricultural practices (CSAPs) need to be prioritized and promoted for uptake especially by the farmers to achieve sustainable development. These are capable of contributing to the realization of sustainable development goals through averting food and nutritional insecurity, increasing and sustaining yields that translate into increased incomes and later reduced poverty. This is because CSAPs enable farmers to adapt and mitigate climate change effects.

In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS remains a big challenge and a leading cause of death among young adults, its main productive human resource. Hence, increasing the demand for care and support services by the epidemic infected and affected people. As a result, elderly persons, especially women are burdened to provide care and support; a midst disintegrated family support system and the inability of public and private sectors to adequately address their needs.
