

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 31, 1 May 2017

Urbanization is transforming human society in many ways. Besides all the obvious benefits, it also brings negative impacts such as the well-documented urban heat island (UHI) effect and the magnified human heat stress. One way to reduce human heat stress is to increase vegetation density in urban areas, because they can provide evatranspiration and shading benefits. However, given the diversity of tree species and their morphological properties, it is important to understand rationally how different trees regulate thermal comfort.

This chapter advances SDG 3 and 5 by exploring some of the factors associated with high mortality rates in Indian girls including in the 5 to 14 age group.
Field trial visit to the Center of Excellence for Rice in Malaysia, left to right: Shahrizal Abdul, Rob van Daalen, Raudhah Talib, Dr. Suzana Yusup, Noor Hafizah Ramli and Abu Bakar Ahmad.
The winner of the first ever Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge, Dr Suzana Yusup, invited Rob van Daalen (publisher Chemistry and initiator of the Challenge) to make a site visit to see the progress of her project "Biopesticide for Improvement of Paddy Yield". The visit made clear that the Elsevier sustainability program and specifically this challenge have a positive impact on health, environment and society in local communities in Malaysia, enhancing efforts to advance SDGs 1, 6, 12 and 15.
Background The availability of freshwater for irrigation in the Indian agricultural sector is expected to decline over the coming decades. This might have implications for food production in India, with subsequent effects on diets and health. We identify realistic and healthy dietary changes that could enhance the resilience of the Indian food system to future decreases in water availability.
Background China has achieved Millennium Development Goal 4 to reduce under-5 mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015. In this study, we estimated the national and subnational levels and causes of child mortality in China annually from 1996 to 2015 to draw implications for achievement of the SDGs for China and other low-income and middle-income countries.
This paper provides a systematic study of the location choice of new polluting firms driven by the 11th Five-Year Plan's water pollution reduction mandates in China. We explore a unique dataset of environmental statistics, which contains 31380 polluting manufacturing firms newly established in the period 2006–2010.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing neural regeneration–based therapeutic approaches as it represents a highly promising therapeutic strategy for AD, including research that CNTF small-molecule peptide mimetic has demonstrated that neural regeneration–based strategy can also be disease modifying for AD.
The Business and Sustainable Development Commission’s Asia Focus Report identifies the major market opportunities for sustainable businesses in Asian markets, estimated to be worth US $5 trillion. Key markets are food and agriculture, energy, cities and health – delivering not only benefit to business but to the communities they serve. Partnerships forged by business are integral to the success of all SDGs and in particular SDG 17.
The Business and Sustainable Development Commission’s India Focus Report identifies the major market opportunities India, where sustainable business models could open up an economic prize of at least US$1 trillion in new market value. The report recommends expanded use of blended finance instruments, merging public and private funding which could be the single most important factor in delivering the SDGs. Partnerships forged by business are integral to the success of all SDGs and in particular SDG 17.
