

The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 4, 2021, 100033

A study to evaluate medical student perceptions on the intersection of climate change and health in medical education.
This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 11 by exploring the relationship between environmental quality and economic development to help policymakers design and implement effective policies in order to achieve sustainability goals.
In this paper the authors conclude that clear trends emerged in measuring pathways between agriculture, food systems, and nutrition. There were many innovations combining measurement across domains, such as mixing and matching from water, food production, ecology, nutrition, health, and others to capture complexity and new levels of impact.
Even though a significant improvement in growth and nutrition was not noted among the integrated interventions, the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and addressing it in reducing undernutrition is of the utmost importance
The authors demonstrate that water security is a powerful concept that is still in its early days in the nutrition literature. Water security also likely plays critical roles in outcomes upon which the public health community has broadly agreed as important: nutritional, mental, physical, and economic well-being. Increased attention to the benefits of ensuring water security and best practices for doing so are therefore needed
Development COVID-19 vaccines in a record time has been an unprecedented global scientific achievement. However, the world has failed to ensure equitable access to what should have been a global public good. What options remain available to African countries to ensure immunization of their populations and ultimately overcome the pandemic?
To limit global warming to well-below 2°C (WB2C), fossil fuels must be replaced by low-carbon energy sources. Support for this transition is often dampened by the impact on fossil fuel jobs. Previous work shows that pro-climate polices could increase employment by 20 million net energy jobs, but these studies rely on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) jobs data, assumptions about jobs in non-OECD countries, and a single baseline assumption.

Economically viable electric vehicle lithium-ion battery recycling is increasingly needed; however routes to profitability are still unclear. We present a comprehensive, holistic techno-economic model as a framework to directly compare recycling locations and processes, providing a key tool for recycling cost optimization in an international battery recycling economy. We show that recycling can be economically viable, with cost/profit ranging from (−21.43 - +21.91) $·kWh−1 but strongly depends on transport distances, wages, pack design and recycling method.


The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 5, July 2021

Record climate extremes are reducing urban liveability, compounding inequality, and threatening infrastructure. Adaptation measures that integrate technological, nature-based, and social solutions can provide multiple co-benefits to address complex socioecological issues in cities while increasing resilience to potential impacts. However, there remain many challenges to developing and implementing integrated solutions.

The authors evaluated the quality and outcomes of in-hospital ACS management for White patients vs patients of colour, within a universal healthcare context.
