Elsevier, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 60, January 2021
Introduction: Although vaccination coverage is high in Kenya relative to other African nations, undervaccinated children remain, making it important to identify characteristics of these children and t
Elsevier, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, Volume , 2021
Objective: Health disparities are pervasive in nursing homes (NHs), but disparities in NH end-of-life (EOL) care (ie, hospital transfers, place of death, hospice use, palliative care, advance care pla
Objective: To define the current proportion of underrepresented minority (URM) academic urologists in leadership positions.
Social determinants of health, including poverty, contribute significantly to health outcomes in the United States; however, their impact on pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) outcomes
The New York Genome Center (NYGC) recently established Polyethnic-1000 (P-1000), a multi-institutional collaboration to study hereditary factors affecting several types of cancer.
How does your background affect the possibility of education and employment? Young mothers in Australia have substantially higher labor market precarity than non-mothers, already prior to giving birth.

Blood, Volume 137, 7 January 2021

The term “benign ethnic neutropenia” describes the phenotype of having an absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
Elsevier, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 55, 2021
The article deals with the issue of transport of people with disabilities, specifically by rail. It analyzes the representation of these people from a demographic point of view.
Perceived discrimination, intergroup contact and acceptance are often encountered during acculturation processes.
