This Series paper supports SDG 3 and 11 by presenting an expanded framework of pathways through which city planning affects health, incorporating 11 integrated urban system policies and 11 integrated urban and transport interventions addressing current and emerging issues.

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 126, June 2022

The paper studied the evaluation index system of urban garden afforestation, ecological environment benefit and urban garden afforestation, furthering SDG 11, 5 and 9.
The paper supports SDG3, 11 and 15 by discussing the air pollution and the study will assist urban planners, policymakers, and health sectors.
This Series paper supports SDG 3 and 11 by calculating spatial indicators of urban design and transport features that support health and sustainability for 25 diverse cities in 19 countries.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Volume 267, May 2022

This article advances SDG # 15 and SDG # 11 by looking at the impact captivity has on wild animals and help identify which species may be able to successfully transition to a captive environment.

Building and Environment, Volume 216, 15 May 2022

Reflects upon emergent challenges and opportunities of developing Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in Europe. Combines attention to rapid implementation, context-specificity and replicability. Identifies three key themes to enable conditions for upscaling PEDs across contexts. The key themes are: framework conditions, prefiguration and emerging impact of PEDs. Combines expertise of PED-EU-NET core group, spanning PED initiatives across Europe.
This chapter focuses on the adverse effects of air pollution on the developing brain and discusses the evidence from human and animal studies suggesting that exposure to elevated air pollution during pre- and early postnatal development is associated with a number of behavioral and biochemical adverse effects.

Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition, Volume 4, 2022, Pages 47-57

This chapters advances SDG goals 11 and 12 by highlighting the pressures posed by agricultural activities to inland water systems. It discusses each of the pressures considering the trade-offs between productivity and environmental impacts.

Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition, Volume 4, 2022, Pages 47-57

This chapter advances SDG goals 6 and 11 by focussing on Kenya's inland, coastal and marine resources, and their associated stressors and threats to ecological integrity. It provides key recommendations to promote societal benefits and enhance sustainable management of these aquatic resources.
